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By Sándor Forgó - Csaba Komló The Institute of of Media and Information Science - Eger, Hungary Eszterházy College.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sándor Forgó - Csaba Komló The Institute of of Media and Information Science - Eger, Hungary Eszterházy College."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Sándor Forgó - Csaba Komló The Institute of of Media and Information Science - Eger, Hungary Eszterházy College

2 Content Icem Congress 2006 Eger? Eger! ICT e-learning project Institute of Media and Information Science Departmens ICT & IT, IT service Lybrary & Informations Science subject Distance learning projekt

3 Institute of Media and Informatics Science of of Eszterházy College

4 ICT 30 évesek leszünk…..2006-ban The Institute of Media Informatics was founded in 1976 in Hungary in Eger

5 The Institute has been working on developing and implementing educational technology for more then thirty years.

6 1974 Audio-visual cabinet A long time ago

7 1976 - Educational technologie Department

8 At first we made traditional school equipment e.g. films, slides with voices

9 Due to the evolution of electrical technology we began working on video

10 With the help of new video technologies teachers can produce a new generation of videos which meet the demands of local and regional television stations.

11 The input information of multimedia presentations are the traditional productions of media. The spreading of digital technology made it possible to use traditional and electronic pictures and voices at the same time. It opens a new way of developing different school equipment.

12 Institute of Media and Information Science of Eszterházy College The Institute of Media Informatics is part of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

13 The Faculty of Humanities The Faculties of the College Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty of Pedagogie & Psichologie

14 The Institute has two departments Department of Informatics, Department of Instruction and Communication Technology and a Regional Informatics Centre. It also operates a television channel (Liceum Television). a Multimedia Research Laboratory, an Information Society Research Group a distance learning project

15 Institute of Media and Information Science Department of Information Science Dept. of Educational and Communication Technology Liceum TV Trial Digital Video Editing Studio Multimedia Research Lab Regional Center of Informatics Informatical Servicing Center The Structure of the Institute College Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

16 Department of Information Science Activity of the department: For regular and correspondence students: Rudiments of Information Science and Multimedia (for all student of the College) Teaching Library-Informatics students Teaching sections of information science( computer aided measuring, etc.) Postgradual studies: System administrator Information Science for Teachers Multimedia Developer Information Science of Media

17 Activity of the Center: The Multimedia Laboratory’s main activities include CD-ROM production, website design, database development, and the design and construction of internet portals. Developing multimedia applications Testing MM devloping-systems Testing multimedia applications Multimedia Research Center

18 Since 1996 we have made 23 educational and scientific multimedia programs Works Baroque Eger CD-ROM, silver prize, Hungarodidact, 1999 Communication and the development of skills CD-ROM, gold prize, Hungarodidact, 2001 1000- year history of the congregation of Eger CD-ROM, silver prize, Hungarodidact, 2001

19 The new Website of EKC 1.Better arrangement 2.Easier and logical search 3.Quick updating 4.Archives of the news 5.Dinamic services Search for teacher or student E-mail and phone list Bulletin board Sending postcard Started: 2002. October Goals :

20 Origin 200 SGI 230 SGI media server

21 Deptartment of Educational and Communicational Technology Activity of the department: For regular and correspondence students: Communication and information technology and Multimedia (for all student of the College) Video in education Photo in education Theory and practice of video film making Postgradual studies: Information Science for Teachers Multimedia Developer

22 Liceum TV Activity of the studio: Documenting events of the College Making films for festivals Converting analog and digital format Making digital videos for MM, Internet, VCD Testing nonlinear editing and capturing systems The Liceum Television -as a special unit within the Institute - broadcasts scientific and cultural programmes for about 100 000 people in the region.

23 Liceum TV and Digital Video Editing Studio Equipments: S8 film cameras SVHS cameras Digital cameras (DV, mini DV, D8) SVHS editing studios PC based nonlinear editing stations

24 Activity of the RCI: Buying and repairing computers and periferias Making and repairing network system Buying and updating softwares Assure College of Internet and Intranet Connection Regional Center of Informatics

25 Activity : Copy and print documents, books Saving data to CD and DVD Selling EKF souvenirs Informatical Servicing Center

26 Handwerkskammer Bildungszentrum Münster (Németország, Münster) SYNTRA WEST (Belgium, Brugge) Balear de Desarollo y Formación (Spanyolország, Palm de Mallorca) Heves Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara (Magyarország, Eger) Connection

27 “Independence of the student and the learning” Distance Learning and E-learning in Eszterházy Károly College  Started in 90’s  1994 Distance Learning is Strategic Importance Effort  In the beginning EKC is Subcentre of Central Hungarian Distance Learning Office Distance Learning E-learning  Special librarian e-learning program started in 2002

28 The College has a leading role and specific expertise in implementing ICT in learning environments in Hungary It is on the way to transform its learning environment into a virtual campus, developing a broad scale of blended learning solutions. Furthermore, the College has a special "Distance Learning" unit that accumulated substantial experience in the field of e-learning, distance education, and virtual learning environments.

29 Distance-, electronic- (blended-) LEARNING… The accreditation process of the Lybrary-informatics program eventually approved by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee was launched at the 2000/2001 academic year by the INSTITUTE OF MEDIA INFORMATICS of the Eszterházy Károly College.

30 E-learning based lybrary- informatics program at the Eszterházy College

31 Bleneded learning f2f Classroom WBT Helpdesk Test

32 Five Key Ingredients 5 Ingredients: 1.Live Events (Virtual Classroom) 2.Self-Paced Learning (Interactive, Hands-on Labs, Express) 3.Collaboration (Online Chat, E-Mail) 4.Assessment (Pre/Post Assessments, Practice Exams) 5.Performance Support Materials (PDA, Printable References)

33 Kulcselemek Valós események; egyidejű, tanár által irányított események, melyben minden résztvevő egyszerre vesz részt, mintegy egy valós idejű „virtuális tanteremben”. Egyéni ütem; olyan ismeretek, amelyeket a tanuló egyénileg, saját idejében és tempójában egészít ki, interaktív, internetes vagy CD-ROM-os tanulással. Együttműködés; olyan környezet, melyben a tanulók kommunikálnak egymással, például e-mailben, fórumokon vagy csevegő szobákban. Értékelés; a tanulók tudásának felmérése. Diagnosztikus, formatív, összegző. Segédanyagok; olyan tananyagok, amelyek segítik a tanulmányokat, például nyomtatott és PDA anyagok, összefoglalók és segítségek

34 Constructivizm Blended Learning Theory Cognitivism Performance support Piaget, Vygotszky Gery Bloom Gagne Merrill Clark Blended Learning Theory

35 While blended training programs combining the traditional and e-learning approach appear to be an efficient vehicle, the suitability of the applied organisational format has yet to be proven. A closer look should be taken at obvious strengths and areas in need of improvement in the area of instructional technology.

36 Sources of Distance Learning Technical conditions Message Content Service Assignment User expectations Traditions Making conscious of competence

37 The Methode Researchwork Instructional Trips, Conferences Interdiscipli narity Team Work Social and market demands Openness Value Interposition Access

38 Elements of Visual Aspect Logo ( layout, blank, environment), Fonts, Colors (Background, foreground), Figure.


40 Solutions of EKC 100 Mb/s Ethernet 140 Mb/s Internet

41 Lybrary & Informations Science subject 2001 Prepare curriculums for distance learning Results: Distance Learning School Books: 18 Learning Guide Books: 18 Workbooks: 10 Electronic Curriculums: 4 Silicon Graphics Media Server WEB CT Distance Learning System Develop of Distance Learning Curriculum: (14 persons) Develop of Virtual Individual Learning Support Center

42 Further results E-business via e-learning –Leonardo Projecrt Information and communication technological foundations of the teaching profession “ with a subtitle: “ Information literacy and methodological competences for HEI students taking part in initial teacher training”

43 The quality assurance system [Forgó et. al.] I. Information provision on the course II. Communication III. Design IV. Administration V. Content VI. Central data base VII. Navigation, VIII. Learner support IX. Technical requirements X. Evaluation, feedback, quality assurance,

44 The introduction of a new quality assurance system (SAMBR)

45 The Future …..from 2005 The Develop of Virtual Individual Learning Support Center is in the Eszterházy Károly College Investment plan is essential, to support Distance Learning Center.

46 Thank You. Eger, Eszterházy Károly College Institute of Media and Information Science 2004. http://

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