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GRMEP Education Group: Gayla Jewell, PhD, RNC, NP Linda Youmans, MA, LPC 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "GRMEP Education Group: Gayla Jewell, PhD, RNC, NP Linda Youmans, MA, LPC 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRMEP Education Group: Gayla Jewell, PhD, RNC, NP Linda Youmans, MA, LPC 2012

2 What do New Residents think about Safety Events?

3 Responses: Strongly Agree 12.5% Agree 25% Neutral 25% Disagree 12.5% Strongly Disagree 25%

4 Responses: Strongly Agree 25% Agree 25% Neutral 25% Disagree 12.5% Strongly Disagree 12.5%

5 Responses: Yes57.5% Somewhat37.5% No5%

6 How do you interpret that: over 60% new residents are neutral about or disagree that making errors is inevitable and 75% are neutral or agree that competent physicians do not make medical errors that lead to patient harm? Are their expectations realistic? Have they internalized a lack of tolerance for errors? Do they think that only incompetent physicians make errors? ….Or that errors are not to be talked about? Other interpretations?

7 How will knowing about these responses influence your teaching and interaction with residents?

8 Humanize making mistakes: Describe an error you made and what you learned Begins rounds with a Safety Moment

9 Was the procedure, treatment, or test appropriate and warranted based on nationally recognized standards of care? Was the complication a known risk, was it anticipated, and did the care team plan ahead to take steps to prevent it? Was the complication identified in a timely manner (i.e. at the time of occurrence)? Was the complication treated according to the standard of care and in a timely manner? Healthcare Performance Improvement, LLC

10 If answers to ALL four questions are YES, the event is a known complication and not a Safety Event If the answer to ANY question is NO, the event is a Safety Event Healthcare Performance Improvement, LLC

11 Spectrum Health Central/Pages/Home.aspx Click on Safety Central Helen DeVos Childrens Hospital afety afety St Marys Health Centers marys-quality-safety

12 AHRQ Patient Safety Network GRMEP Education Specialist GRMEP GME Advisor

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