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Denture Fabrication - Start to Finish

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Presentation on theme: "Denture Fabrication - Start to Finish"— Presentation transcript:

1 Denture Fabrication - Start to Finish


3 CLASSIC STEPS Initial examination, diagnosis, alginate impressions and photos Custom Tray Fabrication Border Molding and Final Impression w/ custom trays: Wax Rim Fabrication  Wax Rim Appointment - Maxillomandibular Records Setting Denture Teeth Esthetic Try in of Denture teeth Processing of Denture Delivery Followup

4 THE NON CLASSIC Initial examination, diagnosis, alginate impressions and photos Wax Rim Appointment - Maxillomandibular Records VD Vertical Dimension Maxillary Post Dam Esthetic Try in of Denture teeth\Wax Try In Muscle mold functional MASTER Impression Processing of Denture Delivery Follow-up



7 Part B: Removable Complete Denture
Edentulous patient Denture supported by alveolar bone and oral mucosa homson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

8 Indications for a Complete Denture
Extensive bone loss and periodontal disease Lack of motivation or ability to maintain teeth Gross decay or abscesses Edentulous patient Patient refused partial dentures Lack of financial resources for alternative treatments

9 Components of a Complete Denture
base Saddle Complete denture Anatomical teeth Flange


11 Final Impressions Impression compound Border molding Muscle trimming

12 Construction of Complete Dentures
Baseplate Represents denture base Bite rim Simulates space provided by height of teeth Vertical dimension Occlusal relationship

13 Try In Appointment Denture teeth mounted in wax Evaluate Esthetics
Retention Comfort Speech articulation


15 Followup 24 hours appointment - Patient wears the denture for 24 hours
1. Check Occlusion Intraorally for any shifting of the denture (occlusal discrepancies/deflective contacts) 2. Check intaglio surface with Pressure Indicating Paste. 3. Check "painful" mucosal areas and relieve. 4. Reinforce Hygiene (clean with dish soap and a denture brush)

16 FOLLOWUP SYNOPSIS 72 hours 1 week 1 month


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