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Region 5 OBSD Model.

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1 Region 5 OBSD Model

2 Region 5 CFSA Responsibility
Work with lead agency to enhance capacity to focus on the achievement of outcomes as the central driver for both case work practice and allocation of resources

3 Responsibility of the Lead Agency
Through engagement with family, community and CFSA to; collaborate in assessment activity participate in conference activity and shared decision making on outcomes develop, implement and manage plan to achieve outcomes provide outcome measurement and evaluation

4 Region 5 Phase In Site

5 OBSD Agency Video Conference October 22, 2009
Outcomes OBSD Agency Video Conference October 22, 2009

6 Outcomes Based Service Delivery
Building on the philosophy of the Casework Practice Model of assessment, collaboration and engagement, the Outcomes Based Service Delivery initiative will support the system wide evolution of our services from thorough assessment to how the case plan and services will achieve desired child and family outcomes. The initiative is intended to result in a service delivery system that has the capacity to measure and focus on the achievement of agreed upon outcomes as the central driver for practice, policy and management decisions.

7 National Outcome Measures Framework

8 National Outcome Measures Framework
Using the National Child Welfare Outcomes Indicator Matrix (NOM’S) as the foundation, the outcomes measurement framework attempts to expand upon the core indicators in the four domains. A collaborative relationship with contracted agencies provides the system a unique opportunity to expand upon indicators that have been historically challenging to measure. The information gathered and reported on will be used to: Inform and guide practice towards improving outcomes for children, youth and families that we serve– using outcomes data for ongoing quality improvement Consistently measure agency and authority performance over time Compare agency and authority achievement of outcomes to highlight best practices and areas for attention and improvement

9 Safety DOMAIN Ministry Agency SAFETY Return to Service:
Definition: This measure is intended to report on the proportion of children who return for further CI services within 12 months of having ended receiving CI services. Recurrence of Abuse Definition: need to establish a measure here – may be able to use critical incident reports to document and report.

10 Well Being DOMAIN Ministry Agency WELL BEING School Performance:
Definition: The measure looks at what proportion of children with an open Child Intervention file are at an age appropriate school grade level. Child Development: the percentage of children whose development improved during the course of interventions from the agency. Adolescent Development [Transition to Adulthood] Definition: The percentage of adolescent who improved and/or have the characteristics to be successful in transitioning to independence and are autonomous.

11 Permanence DOMAIN Ministry Agency PERMANENCE
Children Remaining at Home: Definition: The measure looks at what proportion of children who received ongoing child intervention services, during the reporting period, remained at with family for up to one year of receiving services. Children Returning Home: who were in-care under a temporary legal authority who returned to their home Definition: The measure looks at what proportion of children who received ongoing child intervention services, during the reporting period, remained at home. what percentage of children who were in-care under a temporary legal authority who returned to their family.

12 Permanence DOMAIN Ministry Agency PERMANENCE
Children Achieving Permanency: Definition: The measure looks at the number of children with an in-care status who had an adoption or private guardianship order granted. Moves in Care: Definition: The measure looks at the number of placement moves occur for a child in care. The measure excludes initial placements in care, return home, placements shorter than 72 hours, respite and placement in youth justice. Definition: The measure looks at the percentage of children with a permanent care status who were placed in an adoptive placement (i.e. Permanency Placement Adoption start) or private guardianship order granted. Planned and Unplanned Moves in Care: NEED AGENCY INVOLVEMENT TO CAPTURE ‘PLANNED AND UNPLANNED MOVES’

13 Permanence DOMAIN Ministry Agency PERMANENCE Time in Temporary Care:
Definition: The measure looks at the average length of time a child remains in temporary care before returning to parental care. Duration of Service Definition: The length of time a specific child was provided services by the agency. Services are defined as at home and out of home. Out of home services are further defined as kinship, foster care, group care, residential treatment care and independent living. Definition: The length of time a specific child was provided services by the agency. Services are defined as at home and out of home. Out of home services are further defined as kinship, foster care, group care, residential treatment care and independent living.

14 Family and Community Support
DOMAIN Ministry Agency FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT Community Placements: Definition: The measure looks at the proportion of aboriginal children, who come into care, that are placed in their own ethno-cultural community. at the percentage of children, who come into care, that are placed in their own ethno-cultural community. This measure will report on aboriginal children and non-aboriginal children separately. Parenting: Definition: The percentage of parents whose ‘parenting capacity’ has improved during the course of their involvement in child Intervention.

15 Other DOMAIN Ministry Agency OTHER Placement Structure:
Definition: The measure looks at the average length of time a child is placed in more structured placements, in this case, residential and group care Client Engagement: Definition: The percentage of children, youth and families who express they feel engaged with the agency.

16 In closing… The above framework is not intended to be exclusive or the whole of performance measurement/management and does not replace accreditation and practice standards which tend to measure processes that support quality service delivery. Ideally, over time, accreditation and practice standards can evolve into those that are most strongly correlated to improved outcomes. Principles The framework needs to build upon the contract agency’s significant existing capacity to measure outcomes data The information needs to be relatively simple to gather and build upon existing reporting processes and data collection systems The Ministry, regions and agencies need to be supported by structured opportunities and processes to review outcomes data This framework was taken from Outcomes Measurement Overview Draft Working Document September 30, 2009 and is currently still a DRAFT document.

17 Case Work Practice Model CWPM Agency Presentation October 2009

18 Learning Objectives Enhancing your understanding of:
the importance of the CWPM in continuous improvement of outcomes for children and families; the benefits of engagement and collaboration during case planning; the core principles of the CWPM

19 Purpose The Casework Practice Model defines practice under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act for all Child Intervention Services staff and their supervisors. The model, a result of collaborative activities, supports consistency of casework practice across the province. The model places an increased emphasis on the assessment process; engagement with the family; and collaboration with the family and resources in their community.

20 Why the CWPM The CWPM was developed to support the intent of the legislation: Shortened timeframes for children in care under a non-permanent order; Focus on earlier permanency for children through concurrent planning processes; Increased expectations by the Ministry and the Court system to engage parents in assessment and case planning; The use of a differential response in screening reports for possible intervention services and subsequent service delivery; The definition and provisions of effective supports for youth transitions Will bring consistency to casework practice across the province and aligns practice with the Enhancement Act Supports what front line workers have indicated they want in terms of best practice application through collaboration, assessment, and engagement activities.

21 Intended Outcomes Children will experience shorter time in care (better more thorough assessment leads to more informed decision making Shorter timeframes for involvement with the Director Families will access community supports sooner Supports provided will align with families needs Reduce recidivism with our system (i.e. less often coming back to us)

22 Model Diagram: Overview of the Casework Practice Model
Intake D e c i s o n 1 Safety Phase 2 Detailed Phase A a l y / R m d t 3 C P Family Enhancement Services Protective Services U p & v w 4 5 Assessment Max working days 10 30 Every months or as required by legal authority or case plan Decisions that require supervisory consultation and approval Decision Does the report suggest intervention is required ? Action taken: Recommend assessment or investigation Investigation Documentation : Complete Screening form and show recommended action 2: Is the child in need of intervention Action taken Close Close with referral Detailed assessment Protective services ( . g apprehension ) Complete Safety Assessment Record if preceded by Investigation Complete Detailed Assessment Record Is the child still in need of intervention Family Enhancement Services continued Protective Services continued Review and update Assessment Record Revised case plan if case remains open Does the child or family want a Resource Information Record Close file with a Resource Information Record Document reason for closure Closure Model Diagram: Overview of the Casework Practice Model March 2008 1:

23 Safety Phase Assessment
Safety phase includes investigation and assessment as related to Section 6 of the Child Youth and Family Enhancement Act. Policy has been developed to direct which approach workers will take in this phase of assessment activity. Policy for safety phase is highlighted in 3.4 and 3.5. This phase is about assessing the child’s safety There are three domains assessed during this phase (child development; parenting capacity and environmental/family factors Determine also whether the “child is in need of intervention”

24 The Assessment Record Child Safeguarding and promoting wellbeing
s Developmental Needs Parenting Capacity Family and Environmental Factors The Assessment Record is the complete record of assessment information that is recorded throughout the entire casework process. It is a tool that facilitates a consistent way to gather, organize, record and analyze assessment information. The purpose of this record is to ensure information is collected in a consistent manner which in turn will facilitate the use of this assessment information to inform case decisions throughout the life of a case. As illustrated in the Diagram below, the Assessment Record forms are designed to accept information cumulatively, whereby assessment information is added to the various Dimensions outlined below, over the life of a case. This supports the ‘buildup” of assessment information over time to provide a more complete understanding of the situation for the family. During each of the casework phases, such as the Safety Phase, Detailed Phase or Intervention Phase (case plan review), the appropriate “Part” of the Assessment Record is opened and the assessment information collected during that phase is added. At the conclusion of each casework phase, the assessment information is reviewed and analyzed and an ‘analysis’ is documented that informs the case decisions that are being made at that point is prepared. Assessment Record Dimensions Domain A - Child’s Development Dimensions: Identity and Social Relationships Health and Physical Development Cognitive Development and Education Emotional and Behavioral Development Domain B – Parental Capacity Parents Identity and Social Presentation Parents Health and Individual Functioning Basic Care and Ensuring Safety Caregiver Attributes Domain C – Family and Environmental Factors Family History and Composition Family Functioning Family’s Social Integration Environmental Factors

25 Detailed Phase Assessment
Detailed phase is 30 days and now includes a mandatory case conference/case transfer activity that must be completed. Assessment continues to build on the three domains Collaborative practice is emphasized through the mandatory case conference and case plans Consultation with the supervisor is critical to strengthen analysis and the recommended direction for intervention

26 Detailed phase cont’d Collects additional information from the child, family, collaterals and others as needed Explores the families strengths (protective factors) and risk factors The child’s developmental progress Parental capacity Environmental factors affecting the child’s need for intervention and the type of service required. The detailed assessment phase builds on information gained at intake and during the safety phase to provide a sound basis for determining a child’s intervention needs and case planning

27 Intervention Phase Continued assessment and analysis are required for ongoing intervention Case plan outcomes are an important source of assessment information Case conferencing is not mandatory in this phase of assessment but it is strongly recommended Assessment information gathered during this phase of the Model is added to assessment information gathered during safety and detailed assessment phases. If the child is in care then use the “In-care Assessment Record” (make note to review this as this is being recommended for change) Review during intervention is to occur every three months Intervention phase highlights a change in review dates for case plans and assessment documentation.

28 Closure Phase The Closure Phase provides the opportunity to review the family’s progress through the case plan in light of child in need of intervention concerns Here you assess the continued need for intervention services and supports that could be provided within the community Document the final analysis as related to need for intervention and supported reasons for closure Closure can occur at any of the following four phases of the Model Intake Safety Phase Detailed Phase Intervention Phase

29 CWPM Fundamentals Critical Thinking Collaboration Engagement
Assessment Child-Focused Family-Centred Critical Thinking

30 CWPM Fundamental The CWPM is based on six core fundamentals as follows: Engagement Collaboration Assessment The other three fundamentals are well known to workers as well and really focus on practice frameworks and are often seen in the way a worker approaches the child, family and their casework supervision. These are: Child Focused Family Centered Critical Thinking On a good day we use all six of the fundamentals in our practice and we feel good about the work we are doing and the decisions we make. However, when you add in fatigue; high caseloads, crisis situations, and other pressures we sometimes hit and miss on the fundamental approaches.

31 Engagement Engagement sows the seed for future collaborations.
It is not a separate or distinct activity but part of a three part process that includes assessment and collaboration. Engagement sows the seed for future collaborations. It is not a separate or distinct activity but part of a three part process that includes assessment and collaboration. Two Principles of Engagement Principle One: Do something to demonstrate our engagement Offer a promise of understanding. We convey to those with whom we work genuine curiosity about them and their experiences: Offer a promise of protection and enhancement; Offer a promise of fair representation of everyone’s perspective of the problem and possible solutions; Offer a promise to check back in with people about what we understand them to be telling us about their lives. The process of engagement sets the stage for dialogue; We fulfill these promises when, through engagement, we show respect for the nuances of people’s cultures and contexts; Use a differential approach (change as needed to suit the circumstances). Principle Two: Think about the power and positioning of those involved Behaviour becomes meaningful and intelligible when we engage with others and encourage them to explain their lives to us; We need to understand the purpose behind behaviour and how even problem behaviours help people survive and/or thrive; Our own point of view should be ‘bracketed.’ Own what is ours, our agency’s and our community’s. Acknowledge differences; If we are not engaging, look at what we are doing rather than blame other’s for their ‘resistance;’ Assume people want the best for themselves and their families. What we should see when engaging Opportunities created for people to show and tell us about themselves. This means collaborating with others to understand the complexity of lives as they are lived; A non-defensive posture. We are listening, focused on what people show and tell us; There are phone calls during which needs and problems are discussed; There is time taken to sit and hear people tell their stories in ways that make them feel comfortable; Less talk, more action. We show people during engagement where we will position ourselves, and how we are going to use our power (2 P’s of practice). We show them through our actions how we will both help protect them and enhance their lives; Collaborative case recording, providing resources, and joining with others to mount resistance to unfair practices, do much to help us engage; ‘Coffee and donuts’ help too. After all, who gives and who receives says a lot about power and position, mutual respect, and our humility.

32 Collaboration Numerous formal and informal partners working together, explicit about what each is getting from their temporary alliance with others; Flexibility in how resources are shared, when sharing is possible; Honest efforts to represent the less powerful views of those with whom we work ; Understanding that resistance to rules and procedures can be useful; Encouragement of others to seek solutions that promote social justice (e.g., challenging funding formulas, promoting kinship adoptions, developing culturally appropriate case plans). Caseworkers must demonstrate competence in collaborating with child intervention services agencies and other relevant entities in the provision of services to children and families. There is a collaborative relationship between child intervention professionals and other professionals whose mission includes child protection. The caseworker should understand the roles and goals of other professionals in the field and work toward enhanced collaboration and understanding. Such collaboration may include other professionals, paraprofessionals, and community leaders. The collaboration can ensure that the services are available to community members and can identify emerging problems of service delivery plans. In addition, such collaborations can monitor the implementation and effects of child welfare programs on the community[1]. “The best collaborations lead to better engagement. When helping professionals, and those with whom we work, create alliances that share power; collective goals may be more easily achieved.” Collaboration is not a separate or distinct activity, but part of a three-part process that includes engagement and assessment. The best collaborations begin with a purpose that all share. People feel valued when their participation is requested in processes with clear objectives. Specific goals may be negotiated later, but coming to the table, people like to know what it is that is to be accomplished. [1] National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (2005). NASW Standards for Social Work Practice in Child Welfare. Washington, DC: Author.

33 Assessment = Information Gathering x Analysis
Assessment is a process to obtaining and analyzing information through interviewing, observation and interpreting primary data sources. Analysis is a process to search for understanding, by taking things apart and studying the parts. Assessment = Information Gathering x Analysis Assessment is a process to obtaining and analyzing information through interviewing, observation and interpreting primary data sources. Assessment in family practice is based on the principle that all families have strengths that must be used to resolve the issue of concern. For services to be relevant and effective, caseworkers must systematically gather information and continuously evaluate family member’s strengths and their ability to address their problems. Analysis is a process to search for understanding, by taking things apart and studying the parts. Generally, all analysis gets beyond mere description and into examination and explanation. Analysis is problem solving - you develop a question, and try to figure out an answer. Any analysis will consider the data in enough depth, and with enough clarity, to convince third-party readers, even those who might disagree with the conclusions, that the analysis has been made well.

34 Four Principles of Assessment
Principle Three: Assess all those involved The scope of our assessment determines who will assume responsibility for change; Assessment is an opportunity to engage others in analysis of problems and discussion of preferred solutions; Families and individuals, schools, our agency and funders should all be assessed in order to explore what resources are realistically available and accessible; What we can achieve depends on the structures around us (e.g., our agency’s mandate to respond, flexibility in program design, funding for alternatives).

35 Child Focused The Child is always the focus of the assessment.
Child or youth’s perspective is always taken into consideration Direct contact with the child is a must! The safety of the child must be ensured.

36 Family Centered The Family Centred Practice Model (see the figure below) reframes service delivery as a partnership between the caseworker and the family. The family is an equal partner and is provided the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the process. The process starts with Respect. The family centred model focuses on the interactions of the staff and the families. Together they build a relationship that identifies family needs, priorities, and concerns; that identifies and builds on family strengths in meeting those needs; and that identifies and uses both formal and informal resources of support. “If we are to be successful with families, we are going to need to reorient as professionals. We are going to need to look to parents as leaders, parents as experts, parents as bosses. We are going to ask them to join us cooperatively as equals in this partnership so that we create a reality out there that matches what all of us want to see.” Lisbeth Vincent

37 Mandatory Case Conference
Requires a level of engagement with the family Ensures collaboration with agencies and family One plan for all involved to know their role (support or tasks) Child focused


39 Region 5 East Central Alberta Child and Family Services
Outcome Based Contracting Request For Proposal Overview

40 What is Outcomes Based Contracting?
This is performance based contracting and can be generally defined as: A model that focuses on outputs, quality, and outcomes of service provision and may tie at least a portion of a contractor's payment, as well as contract extension or renewal, to their achievement CFSA Organization/Agency will continue to hold a contractual business relationship but the CFSA case worker/Agency staff worker relationship will be collaborative

41 Predominant Benefit to Agencies
Flexible funding mechanisms Potential for longer term funding commitments Ability to internally measure performance Engagement with the broader system as a partner Ability to reinvest committed dollars into programming Increased communication between agency and CFSA Case Workers

42 Overview of Request For Proposal
The RFP has a very formalized format with a prescriptive process. There are many pieces to this process and as you can see below it is very detailed. I want to give you a brief overview of each piece, as once the RFP is posted on the Alberta Purchasing Connection you will be able to download all the related documents needed to complete this process. General This would be a an overview of the process Legislated Requirements Proponents must know and abide by all relevant federal, provincial and municipal laws.

43 RFP Overview cont’d Project/Service Information Introduction
Background Project/Service Objectives Description of Deliverables Reporting Requirements Project/Service Duration Project/Service Scope Budget

44 RFP Overview cont’d Tender Process and Submission Guide
RFP Information Session Proposal Format Proposal Submission Requirements Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Evaluation Process Interviews

45 RFP Overview cont’d Additional RFP Administration Terms and Conditions
Additional Stipulations The Contract Subcontracting Insurance Copyright Contract Information There will also be several appendix that will part of the RFP process and will be available through the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) once the RFP has been posted

46 Accessing RFP Request For Proposal information can be accessed through Alberta Purchasing Connection

47 Next Steps General Information and Key dates
Posting of RFP on the Alberta Purchasing Connection on November 16, 2009 Mandatory public meeting for all interested proponent scheduled for November 23, 2009 RFP closing on December 14, 2009 at 12 noon Public Opening of Proposals –Wainwright CRC Boardroom at 1:30pm on Dec 14, 2009 Successful proponent announced and posted on Alberta Purchasing Connection on December 18, 2009 Start up date January 1, 2010


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