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Chapter 23 To play the game, go to the next slide and click on an point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23 To play the game, go to the next slide and click on an point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23 To play the game, go to the next slide and click on an point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.

2 Foreign Policy World War II Georgia & War Effort Georgia Reforms Vocabulary Military in Georgia

3 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Team 5 Wager board

4 What country received the most help from the U.S.s Lend Lease policy?

5 Great Britain score board

6 What agreement, negotiated after World War I, pledged that nations would only go to war for self defense?

7 Kellogg-Briand Pact score board

8 What form of government was formed in Germany and Italy?

9 Dictatorship score board

10 What was the U.S.s policy after World War II began?

11 To remain neutral scoreboard

12 What U.S. policy replaced its ban on the sale of arms?

13 Cash and Carry score board

14 What incident resulted in the United States entry into World War II?

15 The attack on Pearl Harbor score board

16 Who was the leader of Germany during World War II?

17 Adolf Hitler score board

18 What incident started World War II?

19 Germanys invasion of Poland score board

20 Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?

21 Hiroshima, Japan score board

22 What was the most positive effect of World War II?

23 It brought the country out of the Great Depression. score board

24 Where was the Robins Air Base located in Georgia?

25 Near Macon score board

26 What geographic factor allowed military personnel to be trained year round in Georgia?

27 A mild climate score board

28 Where was the U.S. Training Center for WAVES located?

29 Milledgeville score board

30 What base in Georgia has been home to the U.S. Army since the mid-1880s?

31 Fort McPherson score board

32 What United States president received military training at Fort Benning?

33 General Dwight D. Eisenhower score board

34 What Georgia facility built B-29 bombers?

35 Bell Aircraft score board

36 Where were the two facilities that built Liberty ships located?

37 Savannah and Brunswick score board

38 Why did companies like Coca Cola not have to ration sugar?

39 Its products boosted the morale of soldiers. score board

40 How did buying war bonds help the government?

41 Buying a bond was actually loaning the government money for the war. score board

42 How many base POW camps did Georgia have?

43 14 score board

44 Who became Georgias governor after World War II began?

45 Ellis Arnall score board

46 During World War II, what state agency was created to oversee conditions in prisons and work camps?

47 Department of Corrections score board

48 What new department was created by the reformed Georgia constitution in 1945?

49 Department of Veteran Affairs score board

50 What change did Georgia make to its voting laws after World War II?

51 The voting age was lowered to 18. score board

52 Why did Georgias governor file a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court to end the discriminatory setting of railroad rates?

53 To encourage the establishment of more businesses score board

54 What is the word that describes monetary compensation for damages?

55 Reparations board score

56 What form of government believes in the superiority of a particular group?

57 Fascism score board

58 What is name for the head of a government who has absolute power?

59 Dictator score board

60 What term means the systematic killing of a racial or cultural group?

61 Genocide score board

62 What term is used to describe the limiting of certain items?

63 Ration score board

64 Make your wager on the scoreboard scoreFinal Question

65 What was the name of the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb?

66 Enola Gay score board

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