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TEAM #1 RYAN AGUDELO WILLIAM DAVIS DAVID KENNICK Microcontrolled Multi-Video Gaming Console Status Report #7 March 23, 2011 Objective: To create a gaming.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM #1 RYAN AGUDELO WILLIAM DAVIS DAVID KENNICK Microcontrolled Multi-Video Gaming Console Status Report #7 March 23, 2011 Objective: To create a gaming."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM #1 RYAN AGUDELO WILLIAM DAVIS DAVID KENNICK Microcontrolled Multi-Video Gaming Console Status Report #7 March 23, 2011 Objective: To create a gaming system that contains four separate gaming consoles in the size of a single larger console.

2 Need for Design A nostalgic combination of gaming consoles with the potential for integration into newer consoles while being more energy efficient. Milestones Ordering Parts 1/21/2011 DONE Designing and development of case 2/14/2011 DONE Programming Microcontroller 2/14/2011 DONE Constructing Prototype 2/28/2011 DONE Debugging Prototype 3/14/2011

3 Completed Tasks Test consoles for functionality Disassemble Gaming Consoles Create general layout of gaming consoles Programmed LCD display Programmed Keypad Tested relay outputs and their functionality Bought all case components Constructed prototype Plexiglass has been cut

4 Ongoing/Pending Tasks Get cartridge slots and controller ports cut into plexiglass Finish Website Finish testing prototype Construct final case

5 Upcoming Tasks Return plexiglass to Paul Kruger Begin construction of final case Continue testing consoles and debug any problems

6 Current website setup/design

7 Block Diagram 90% 0% 90% 100% 90% 100%100% 100%100%

8 Schedule Complete!

9 Questions?

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