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By: Chris Garney Chemical Reactions.

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1 By: Chris Garney Chemical Reactions

2 What Part of the Atom Is Affected by Chemical Reaction?
Electrons are the negatively charged. This particle is about 1,000 times smaller than the mass of a proton. It is impossible to see where they are at a specific moment due to the speed it moves at. Their chemical bond is Electrovalent, or Ionic. They are the only part in the atom affected by chemical reaction. lectron.html

3 What is happening during a chemical Rx?
During a chemical reaction bonds between atoms or molecules are either being broken or formed. For example vinegar and baking soda creates this chemical reaction  The acid in the weak 5% substance (vinegar) reacts with the pure substance (baking soda) Laws of Conservation – Matter can not be created or destroyed. That total mass of products before and after reaction is the same. Signs of Chemical Reaction – bubbling, fizzing, temperature change, color change, catches on fire, etc. Reactants – are the materials that is used for the chemical reaction Products – is the substance(s) made afterwards 1 2 3 /change/reactant.htm

4 Explain the role of energy in chemical reactions.
Chemical potential energy is energy that is stored in the bonds of molecules or atom. This energy holds these particles together. Examples: Biomass, Petroleum, Natural gas, and Propane. Activation energy is the energy that is needed to create a chemical reaction Exothermic – reaction gets hot Endothermic- reactions get cold EXOTHERMIC EXAMPLE Gasoline  + Fire  = EXPLOSION

Fire commons/thumb/c/c1/Streichholz.jpg/250px-Streichholz.jpg = EXTINGUISHED  out.jpg

6 Types of Chemical Rx’s Explain what happens in the different types of reactions Synthesis – is the combination of 2 0r more pre-existing elements. Creating something new. Decomposition – is when a chemical compound is separated into a smaller compound or element  Combustion – or burning is a exothermic reaction produces heat. Can be a flame or just a glow Single Replacement – takes one element with a chemical which results to another element being created. For example putting aluminum in copper chloride creates copper  Double Replacement - when a positive ion or Cation combines with a negative ion or anion. For example barium chloride and sodium sulfate creates a white powder.


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