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1/11 Activitats en Nanotecnologies Grup de Dispositius, Sensors i Disseny VLSI Eduard Llobet Lluís F. Marsal.

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Presentation on theme: "1/11 Activitats en Nanotecnologies Grup de Dispositius, Sensors i Disseny VLSI Eduard Llobet Lluís F. Marsal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/11 Activitats en Nanotecnologies Grup de Dispositius, Sensors i Disseny VLSI Eduard Llobet Lluís F. Marsal

2 2/11 Sub-línies MINOS: Microsystems and Nanotechnologies for Chemical Analysis (4 permanent, 2 RC, 1 JC, 9 PhD students) –Nanosized metal oxide films for gas sensors –CNT based gas sensors –Porous alumina as template material NEPHOS: Nano Electronic and Photonic Systems ( 4 permanent, 1 RC, 1 JC, 8 PhD students) –Modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs –Porous and macroporous silicon –Photonic crystals

3 3/11 Projectes Desarrollo de tecnología para células solares fotovoltaicas TIC2002-4184-C02-02, 2003-2005 SINANO E04003S EUROSOI E04002S Food Quality and Safety with Microsystems, GoodFood FP6- IST-1-508774-IP, 2003-2006 Técnicas y tecnologías para el desarrollo de microsistemas analizadores de gases basados en agrupaciones integradas de sensores catalíticos TIC2003-06301, 2004-2006

4 4/11 Modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs We have developed a physics-based compact model for ballistic nanoscale GAA MOSFETs which is based on Landauers transmission theory and incorporates the effects of multi-subband conduction. Scattering has been later incorporated to this model when used for DG MOSFETs. A compact model for Surrounding Gate MOSFETs under the drift- diffusion approximation has also been developed. Cylindrical GAA with a 65 nm diameter Si film Dotted line: measurements Solid line: model

5 5/11 Porous-macroporous silicon Silicon dioxide pillar arrays Macropores with modulated pore diameter in depth Silicon Oxide Microneedles

6 6/11 Photonic crystals Photonic band structure of air holes in silicon.

7 7/11 Nanosized metal oxide films for gas sensors Ultra-thin films of metal oxides are grown by sputtering with interruptions. No interr. 1 interr. 3 interr. As grain size diminishes, gas sensitivity increases.

8 8/11 CNT based gas sensors Characteristics: –Catalytic carbon deposition method –Purity > 95% –Diameter: MWNT: 3 to 25 nm (outer diam.) –Length: up to 50 m MWNT functionalised in an RF inductively coupled oxygen plasma Pure MWNT MWNT+WO 3

9 9/11 CNT based gas sensors Response to NO 2 of a pure MWNT sensor (functionalised with 20% at. oxygen at the surface) Response to NH3 of a WO3+MWNT sensor (functionalised with 10% at. oxygen at the surface)

10 10/11 Porous alumina as template material Anodization of Al foils Cu nanowires electroplated using a nanoporous alumina template

11 11/11 Publicacions rellevants Modeling of Nanoscale Gate-All-Around MOSFETs, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2004 Analysis of photonic band gaps in two-dimensional photonic crystals with rods covered by a thin interfacial layer, Phys. Rev.B, 2004 Continuous analytic current-voltage model for surrounding gate MOSFETs, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2004 Effects of symmetry reduction in two-dimensional square and triangular lattices, Phys. Rev.B, 2004 Detection of NO 2 and NH 3 with Oxygen Functionalised MWNT-based - hotplate gas sensors, Eurosensors XVIII, 2004 and submitted to Sensors Actuators B. New Technology of Metal Oxide Thin Film Preparation for Chemical Sensor Application, presented at E-MRS 2004 and submitted to Sensors Actuators B.

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