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Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Economic Summit Pre-meeting TED talk From Davos Man to the New Man Peter J. Briscoe, London.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Economic Summit Pre-meeting TED talk From Davos Man to the New Man Peter J. Briscoe, London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Economic Summit Pre-meeting TED talk From Davos Man to the New Man Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

2 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Davos Man Trinity of Ideas Reverence for innovation Blind faith in capitalism Globalization beneficial and unstoppable FT, March 7, 2013 we are not prepared for the future, there is a limited group of people who know what we are talking about – 100,000 people in the communication elite

3 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Influencing our economy We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

4 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Davos man our autonomous intelligence is permanently creating systems of such a high degree of complexity, that our learning and controlling capabilities are getting increasingly overstretched. man is too stupid for his own intelligence because men refused to recognise God and take him seriously, God gave them over to their corrupt and disqualified minds. (Romans 1:28) Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

5 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. New Man For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval. Romans 14:17,18 Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

6 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Gods Economy Opposing Economic Philosophies My Kingdom is not of this world Mans Economy Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

7 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. In the world, but not a part of it … Permeating the economy with Gods Kingdom Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

8 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Scarcity = poverty Acts 4:34 Abundance = materialism Luke 12:15 Corruption of the heart Ez 36:26-29 Barriers to enjoying Gods Economy Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

9 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Generosity Acts 20:35 Stewardship Mt 25:14-30 Lords-hip Ps. 24:1 A divine integration of the mystery of 4 essential elements Enjoying Gods Economy Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

10 Peter J. Briscoe, London, 13 nov 2013. Holy Spirit Stewardship Work to serve God Giving and receiving Sowing and reaping Abundance Contentment and enough Generational planning Eternal rewards Multiplication Mans Economy Gods Economy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mammon Personal Property Work for an income Buying and selling Getting and keeping Scarcity Progress and more Short-term gain Temporal rewards %-age growth Mans Economy Peter J. Briscoe, London November 13 th 2013

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