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Financial tools to support mitigation projects and programes in the Slovak Republic Helena Princová, Mario Gnida Climate Change Policy Department Climate.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial tools to support mitigation projects and programes in the Slovak Republic Helena Princová, Mario Gnida Climate Change Policy Department Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial tools to support mitigation projects and programes in the Slovak Republic Helena Princová, Mario Gnida Climate Change Policy Department Climate Change Fundamentals and Local Action, September 19-22, 2011 Austria Trend Hotel, Bratislava, Slovakia

2 Overview of available financial sources (1) Domestic funds Environmental Fund (air protection, support of renewable energy sources) State housing development fund (energy savings in individual houses and block of flats - insulations) Specific domestic programmes State support for solar and biomass boilers Green Investment Scheme (GIS) Revenues from the sell of AAUs surplus

3 Overview of available financial sources (2) EU strucutural funds Operational Programes of Ministries of Environment, Economy and Agriculture (renewable energy sources, increase in energy efficiency, rural development) Other financial mechanisms Norwegian and Swiss Financial Mechanisms - focused on energy efficiency and support for RES in households and industry sector Specific projects for example UNDP Project on Sustainable Mobility in the City of Bratislava

4 Green investment scheme (1) Environmental Fund (EF, collets revenues from the sell of AAUs and under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment is responsible for allocation of sources to the selected programmes and The resources from the EF are important instruments of state environmental policy Green Investment Scheme was approved on 20 November 2009 by the Ministry of Environment Form of support : grants or loans Up to June 30, 2011, the EF has received 7 requests for loans and 208 requests for subsidies No sell of AAUs surplus in 2011 up to now

5 Green investment scheme (GIS) (2)

6 Support activities in the form of grants Installation of new equipment for heat and hot water preparation using biomass, installation of heat pumps or solar collectors, including installation of the whole system Replacement of facilities for heat and hot water preparation using fossil fuel by facilities using biomass, by heat pumps or solar collectors, including replacement of the whole system Individual projects Installation of new equipment to save energy Upgrade of equipment to save electric energy and/or fossil fuels (e.g. intelligent building management) Activity GIS 1 Activity GIS 2 Activity GIS 3 Activity GIS 4 The program to improve energy efficiency in buildings Programs Activity GIS 5

7 Installation of new equipment for heat and hot water preparation using biomass, installation of heat pumps or solar collectors, including installation of the whole system Replacement of facilities for heat and hot water preparation using fossil fuel by facilities using biomass, by heat pumps or solar collectors, including replacement of the whole system Individual projects Installation of new equipment to save energy Upgrade of equipment to save electric energy and/or fossil fuels (e.g. intelligent building management, transport system) Activity GIS 1 Activity GIS 2 Activity GIS 3 Activity GIS 4 Reduction of heat losses in distribution systems of heating media in the central heat distribution systems Activity GIS 5 Support activities in the form of loans(1)

8 Support activities in the form of loans (2) Improvement of energy efficiency in buildings Purchase of electromobiles Individual projects The program to improve energy efficiency in buildings Activity GIS 6 Activity GIS 7 Activity GIS 8 Programs

9 Basic criteria applied during the selection of applications for grants and loans 1. The project is realized in excess of the applicable environmental legislation (Environmental Additionality); 2.Estimated reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; 3.Estimated reduction in consumption of energy carriers (fuel, heat, electricity). 4.Efficiency of investments given by specific investment costs in EUR/reduction greenhouse gas emission unit 5.To implement the project, no funds from other support schemes and programs were or shall be used 6.Technologies and technical solutions applied in the project meet the requirement of best available technology, which does not go over excessive costs.

10 Energy savings need to be improved in the building sector Objective : to reduce and minimize energy consumption for heating and cooling and reduce energy consumption for hot water Target groups: owners and operators of private and commercial buildings (houses, apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels...)

11 Helena Princová, Mário Gnida,

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