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You can find more information here Astronaut Harbaugh could not arc the ball into the basket or make a banked shot off the backboard.

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3 You can find more information here






9 Astronaut Harbaugh could not arc the ball into the basket or make a banked shot off the backboard.


11 Newtons First Law of Motion - An object continues in its initial state of rest or motion unless acted on by an unbalanced external force. Newtons Second Law of Motion – Force = mass x acceleration Newtons Third Law of Motion - Forces always occur in pairs. Application: objects move forward by pushing backward on a surface or on a fluid. Angular Momentum - This is a property of spinning motion that must be conserved.

12 ToysPrinciples Rat Stuff and Spring JumperNewtons first and third law of motion Frog,Fish,SubmarineNewtons third law of motion Conservation of angualr momentum Baloon HelicopterNewtons third law of motion Ball and CupNewtons first and third law of motion Basketball and HoopNewtons first and third law of motion Horseshoes and PostNewtons first and third law of motion Conservation of angular momentum

13 Available at Toy Stores Flipping mouse Spring jumper ( wind-up frog) Swimming frog (wind-up) Balloon helicopter Basketball and hoop (foam rubber ball, hoop with suction cups) Toys that can be made Ball and cup

14 References Nasa Wikipedia Google

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