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Future Faces of Physics Physpardy! Physpardy!. Date A Scientist The AlphabetSI Units SPS by the Numbers Spelling 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Future Faces of Physics Physpardy! Physpardy!. Date A Scientist The AlphabetSI Units SPS by the Numbers Spelling 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future Faces of Physics Physpardy! Physpardy!

2 Date A Scientist The AlphabetSI Units SPS by the Numbers Spelling 100 200 300 400 500

3 Einsteins birthday, some celebrate it as Pi Day. Date a Scientist - 100

4 In 1903, this scientist received a Nobel Prize for her work on radiation with her husband. Date a Scientist - 200

5 Born on 22 September 1791, the ideas of this electric scientist certainly werent confined to a cage. Date a Scientist - 300

6 Helen Quinn, well-known SLAC physicist, released the Framework for K-12 Science Education, outlining concepts all students should learn before graduation in this year, the same year as the hurriquake. Date a Scientist - 400

7 This popular theoretical physicist was born on 8 January 1942. Date a Scientist - 500

8 Plancks constant The Alphabet - 100

9 Newtonian constant of gravitation. The Alphabet - 200

10 Speed of light in a vacuum. The Alphabet - 300

11 The gas constant. The Alphabet - 400

12 Wien displacement law constant The Alphabet - 500

13 Frequency Units - 100

14 Power Units - 200

15 Electric charge Units - 300

16 Electric Current Units - 400

17 Luminous Intensity Units - 500

18 The number of Zones in SPS. SPS by the Numbers - 100

19 Given to support projects designed to promote physics across cultures, this SPS award is worth up to $300. SPS by the Numbers - 200

20 The amount a chapter receives after being awarded the Sigma Pi Sigma Undergraduate Research Award. SPS by the Numbers - 300 2011 winners from Houston Baptist University

21 Approximate number of undergraduate students that attended the 2008 Sigma Pi Sigma Congress at Fermilab. SPS by the Numbers - 400

22 SPS was established in this year, the same year the Beatles released The White Album SPS by the Numbers - 500

23 The speed and the direction of motion Spelling - 100

24 A state in which opposing forces are balanced Spelling - 200

25 Used in electric circuits to store charge Spelling - 300

26 Having exactly similar parts facing each other around an axis. In Physics, its often super! Spelling - 400

27 A unit of quantum computing, similar to a bit as a basic unit of computer information. Spelling - 500

28 DAILY DOUBLE Make your wager now…

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