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By Finn 2011-2012. My Class DLR DLR Spelling Spelling DG DG A & a A & a WW WW.

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Presentation on theme: "By Finn 2011-2012. My Class DLR DLR Spelling Spelling DG DG A & a A & a WW WW."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Finn 2011-2012


3 My Class

4 DLR DLR Spelling Spelling DG DG A & a A & a WW WW


6 My Self-Portrait

7 I am smart and athletic I wonder what's going to happen I hear ringing I see lights I want a ps3 I am smart and athletic I pretend to play real football I feel happy I touch my pencil I worry about nothing I cry when I get hurt I am smart and athletic I understand my moms facial expressions I say things I dream about nothing I try to play football I hope I will live forever I am smart and athletic.




11 El Tesoro We just got there.


13 Gump Day

14 Charlottes Web I was Templeton in Charlottes Web.


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