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Computer Science 112 Fundamentals of Programming II List Iterators.

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1 Computer Science 112 Fundamentals of Programming II List Iterators

2 lyst = LinkedList(range(11, 21)) # or ArrayList(range(11, 21)) rator = aList.listIterator() rator.last() while rator.hasPrevious(): # print in reverse order print(rator.previous()) Opening a List Iterator on a List Maintains a cursor to access the list ratorlyst

3 LI = L.listIterator() returns a new list iterator object on a list LI.first() moves the cursor to the first item LI.hasNext() returns true if there are any items following the current position returns the next item and advances the position LI.last() moves the cursor to the last item LI.hasPrevious() returns true if there are any items preceding the current position LI.previous() returns the previous item and moves the position backward Position-Based Operations for Navigation Similar to an extended iterator

4 LI.insert(newItem) inserts newItem at the current position LI.remove() removes the last item returned by next or previous LI.replace(newItem) replaces the last item returned by next or previous Position-Based Operations for Mutation

5 Mutations with a List Iterator lyst = LinkedList(range(11, 21)) # or ArrayList(range(11, 21)) # Replace all ints with 0s for i in range(len(lyst)): lyst[i] = 0 Using an index-based loop with the subscript would be O(n 2 ) with a linked list

6 Mutations with a List Iterator lyst = LinkedList(range(11, 21)) # or ArrayList(range(11, 21)) # Replace all ints with 0s rator = lyst.listIterator() while rator.hasNext(): rator.replace(0) Using an index-based loop with the subscript would be O(n 2 ) with a linked list

7 Can Do Just One Insertion lyst = LinkedList(range(11, 21)) # or ArrayList(range(11, 21)) # Insert 1s before each integer rator = lyst.listIterator() while rator.hasNext(): rator.insert(1)

8 Can Do Just One Insertion lyst = LinkedList(range(11, 21)) # or ArrayList(range(11, 21)) # Error: must have a separate next() prior to each add rator = lyst.listIterator() while rator.hasNext(): rator.insert(1) rator.insert(2)

9 Using a Mutator to Clear the List lyst = LinkedList(range(11, 21)) # or ArrayList(range(11, 21)) # Clear the list (make it empty) rator = lyst.listIterator() while rator.hasNext(): rator.remove()

10 Cant Use List Mutators lyst = LinkedList(range(11, 21)) # or ArrayList(range(11, 21)) # Clear the list (make it empty) rator = lyst.listIterator() while rator.hasNext(): lyst.pop() rator.remove() Directly mutating the backing store in the context of an iterator can cause the store and the iterator to become inconsistent The iterator will need to know when the store has changed and raise an exception in that event

11 Tracking Mutations The list and its iterator each keep separate modCount variables The lists modCount is initially 0, and is incremented on each mutation The iterators modCount is initialized to the lists current modCount Each call of next or previous compares the counts, and if theyre different, raises an exception

12 The Lists modCount class AbstractList(AbstractCollection): """Represents an abstract list.""" def __init__(self, sourceCollection): """Maintains a count of modifications to the list.""" self._modCount = 0 AbstractCollection.__init__(self, sourceCollection) def getModCount(self): return self._modCount def incModCount(self): self._modCount += 1

13 The Lists modCount class ArrayList(AbstractList): """Represents an array-based list.""" DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 8 def __init__(self, sourceCollection = None): self._items = Array(ArrayList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY) AbstractList.__init__(self, sourceCollection) def pop(self, i = len(self - 1)): """Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self) Removes and returns the item at position i.""" if i = len(self): raise IndexError("List index out of range") item = self._items[i] for j in range(i, len(self) - 1): self._items[j] = self._items[j + 1] self._size -= 1 self.incModCount() # Track mutations! return item

14 The ListIterator Class class ArrayList(AbstractList): """Represents an array-based list.""" def listIterator(self): """Returns a list iterator.""" return ArrayList.ListIterator(self) Because the ListIterator will be implemented differently for each list implementation, we can nest it in the list class

15 The ListIterator Class class ArrayList(AbstractList): """Represents an array-based list.""" def listIterator(self): """Returns a list iterator.""" return ArrayList.ListIterator(self) class ListIterator(object): """Represents the list iterator for an array list.""" def __init__(self, backingStore): self._backingStore = backingStore self._modCount = backingStore.getModCount() self.first() def first(self): """Returns the cursor to the beginning.""" self._cursor = 0 self._lastItemPos = -1 # Other ListIterator methods go here

16 The next Method class ListIterator(object): """Represents the list iterator for an array list.""" def next(self): """Preconditions: hasNext returns True The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutators. Returns the current item and advances the cursor to the next item."" if not self.hasNext(): raise ValueError("No next item in list iterator") if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount(): raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store") self._lastItemPos = self._cursor self._cursor += 1 return self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos]

17 Moving from Right to Left def last(self): """Moves the cursor to the end of the backing store.""" self._cursor = len(self._backingStore) self._lastItemPos = -1 def hasPrevious(self): """Returns True if the iterator has a previous item or False otherwise.""" return self._cursor > 0 def previous(self): """Preconditions: hasPrevious returns True The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutators. Returns the current item and moves the cursor to the previous item.""" if not self.hasPrevious(): raise ValueError("No previous item in list iterator") self._lastItemPos = self._cursor - 1 self._cursor -= 1 return self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos]

18 For Wednesday Sorted Lists

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