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AP PsychologyText Ch. 4. Describe your current thought in as much detail as possible. (this is your waking consciousness) Try to NOT think.

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Presentation on theme: "AP PsychologyText Ch. 4. Describe your current thought in as much detail as possible. (this is your waking consciousness) Try to NOT think."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP PsychologyText Ch. 4

2 Describe your current thought in as much detail as possible. (this is your waking consciousness) Try to NOT think.

3 Altered Consciousness Examples? Natural vs. intentional?

4 Daydreams…Good or Bad? Spontaneous use of imagination… 1/3 to ½ of awake hours are spent daydreaming (?) Evidence of a more agile working memory? Benefits of Daydreaming


6 Take Sleep IQ Test (in sleep packet) Adult average score=5.5

7 Naps When do you get the most drowsy? Socio-cultural perspective? Research? Those is isolation for weeks slept at night and napped in the afternoon 3, 30 minute naps/week were associated with 37% reduction in deaths from heart disease (23,000 participants) Stress and sleep?

8 Sleepanother 1/3 of our lives Adenosine chemical that triggers sleepiness Melatonin hormone regulates circadian rhythms. Disturbed circadian rhythms=hormone adjustments

9 Sleep Cyclesbrain waves Awake=Beta Waves 1: Alpha Waves 2: Sleep Spindles 3: Delta waves appear 4: Deep Delta

10 Sleep Cycles cont…

11 Complete Handout 5-5: MorningnessEveningness Questionnaire

12 Complete Hand-out 5-6Am I Sleep Deprived?

13 Sleep and Memory Read Shhh…Im getting Smarter

14 Sleep Disorders 1) Narcolepsy– the narcoleptic dogthe narcoleptic dog 2) Sleep Apnea cessation of respiration Insomniacommon causes are anxiety and substance use 4) Sleep Walking & Night Terrors More common in childhood Occurs in 1 st stage 4 Occurs often due to sleep deprivation

15 Sleep Diary: Handout 5-5: Track your sleep patterns for one week using this sheet as a guideline

16 Dreams Explain dreaming from each of the psychological perspectives… Handout 5-9: What do we dream about? 5-10: Remembering your dreams…try to track your dreams for one week. Problem Solving Experiment volunteers?


18 HypnosisOfficeSpaceOfficeSpace Take Handout 5-12 Hypnosis Demonstration Hypnosis=power of suggestion

19 Research backed ideas: Ability to be hypnotized does not indicate gullibility Participants retain ability to control behavior Posthypnotic amnesia is rare Not dangerous when practiced by a clinician Cant re-experience childhood events Is considered effective treatment for some disorders

20 Meditation/Imagery Psychology Today: Science and Meditation Psychology Today: Science and Meditation Mental Rehearsal & Performance

21 Progressive Relaxation Exercise


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