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Warm Up, September 24th, 2013 1) In the northern hemisphere, the day of the year with the longest time between sunrise and sunset occurs on which continent?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up, September 24th, 2013 1) In the northern hemisphere, the day of the year with the longest time between sunrise and sunset occurs on which continent?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up, September 24th, 2013 1) In the northern hemisphere, the day of the year with the longest time between sunrise and sunset occurs on which continent? (a) Europe (b) South America (c) Antarctica (d) Australia (e) Africa 2) Infer the point of learning density and measurement before the scientific method. Inference based multiple choice.

2 First! Critical Thinking Brain Pop

3 - The age of an object compared to the age of another object.
Relative Dating* - The age of an object compared to the age of another object. Absolute Dating* - The exact age of an object based on a sequence of time (chronological).

4 Absolute vs Relative Dating
1) 9:15 AM is when first bell rings 2) 3rd Period is after lunch 3) 542 Million Years Ago 4) I’ll be back in 5 minutes 5) You can go to the bathroom after Peyton 6) Brush your teeth before you go to bed

5 Fossils

6 Original Remains

7 Ice

8 Tar

9 Amber

10 Traces or remains of living things from long ago.
Fossils* Traces or remains of living things from long ago. Original Remains* Fossils that are the actual bodies or body parts of organisms. Can be found in ice, tar, and amber.

11 Mold* Cast* - A mold is when a visible shape of a plant or animal was left in a sedimentary rock. - A cast is when a mold is filled in to produce a solid model in the shape of the mold.

12 - The stone fossil of a tree.
Petrified Wood* - The stone fossil of a tree.

13 - When a dead plant or decaying animal leaves behind its carbon.
Carbon Films* - When a dead plant or decaying animal leaves behind its carbon.

14 Trace Fossils* - Evidence of an animals presence in a given location (waste, footprints, bite marks)

15 Ice Core* - A tubular sample that shows the layers of snow and ice that have built up over thousands of years.

16 Absolute vs Relative Dating: Disc Ed

17 Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Types of Rocks Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic

18 Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Types of Rocks Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic

19 More Superposition! Faulting

20 More Superposition! Unconformity

21 More Superposition! Unconformity

22 More Superposition!

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