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0A become the active player draw 1 sauron card draw 1 sauron card play 1 sauron card (1 conseq) play 1 sauron card (1 conseq) play 1 nazgul card play 1.

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Presentation on theme: "0A become the active player draw 1 sauron card draw 1 sauron card play 1 sauron card (1 conseq) play 1 sauron card (1 conseq) play 1 nazgul card play 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 0A become the active player draw 1 sauron card draw 1 sauron card play 1 sauron card (1 conseq) play 1 sauron card (1 conseq) play 1 nazgul card play 1 nazgul card apply symbol apply symbol apply instructions apply instructions Game Flow 0B invoke sauron invoke sauron S suffer consequenc es 1 event tiles reject the tile? (not 2 in a row) reject the tile? (not 2 in a row) DE reveal foe if 1 st tile reveal foe if 1 st tile FF 2B do a non-card activity 2A play hobbit cards 3 clear up tiles, cards clear up tiles, cards move 1 space toward light draw 2 hobbit cards place cards played here place event tiles drawn here Turn Sequence frodo sam fatty merry pippin 1A reveal an event tile 1B execute tile by type do nothing defeat left-most foe, no cost FF play 2 nd card, of other color (except pippin) check for 8 foes FFS push black rider back 3 if not over, next player put ring on volcano player tries to destroy ring sauron fills hand to 6 cards S Mount Doom check for 8 foes FF Special Actions ring-bearer puts on ring put ring on figure roll, apply die roll, apply die move on activity line fill hand out to 6 sauron cards fill hand out to 6 sauron cards S play 1 sauron card (all conseq) play 1 sauron card (all conseq) S activity sundial other advance on activity line no yes invoke sauron with invoke sauron with S turn black rider draw 1 nazgul card ring bearer black rider meets ring bearer S play gandalf card active player picks, plays card any player discards 5 any player plays yellow card active player defeats leftmost foe by cost active player defeats left- most foe by cost FF reset board, tokens, tiles life token costs fatty draws 2 cards ring bearer chosen, draws 2 cards reset black rider S draw nazgul card S End of Scenario (except Mordor) art 2002

2 Lord of the Rings Game Flow Chart I. Introduction This is player aide for Knizias Lord of the Rings board game. It is meant to help the players keep track of the steps in individual turns, similar to the way the pieces of the game keep track of the progress between and within scenarios. II. Assembly The chart was built at half size, so print it out at double size, ending up about 22" x 8". How you do this depends on your printer options, e.g. enlarge 200%, and poster print, 2x2. Assemble the pieces, then mount and/or laminate it as you wish. III. Setup Place the flow chart along the lower edge of the scenario board, as shown in the figure. Find tokens to use on it – pieces from other games, or even coins will do. The chart and its tokens remain in play through all scenarios. IV. Usage Use one token to show the active player: place it on the colored circle for the player. (Alternatively, place it on the players character card.) While on the main board, the active player is the ring-bearer; in scenarios, the active player rotates clockwise, starting with the ring- bearer. Use another token to show the current turn phase. At the start of each turn, place it on space 0A, and move it around as the turn progresses; the flowchart helps remember what steps come next. As seen in the legend, different arrows have different meanings. Solid arrows are sequential events, one happening after another; dashed arrows show (exclusive) choices; dotted arrows lead to substep. When getting used to the game, you will probably want to follow the chart through the substep details, for example for playing event tiles; when you are familiar with the game, you may just prefer to leave the token on the 1. Event Tiles circle. Green arrows and circles are for the basic game, while other colors show steps that come with the different expansions. Steps unique to an expansion also have its initials in the circles, which are ignored if not using the expansion. When playing with an expansion, follow its solid arrows in preference to green arrows (e.g. 0A before 1); colored dashed arrows give more choices. A scenario ends immediately after the last event or the last step of the main line is resolved. Skip all the remaining steps of a turn, except for 3. Clear up; then move the phase token to the Mount Doom line if in Mordor, or the End of Scenario line otherwise, and follow their steps. You may use additional tokens when anytime actions or special events occur (such as playing a Gandalf card), to point out that they are happening, and to keep track of their substeps, if any. There are spaces on the chart for placing cards and event tiles used during the turn. (If playing Dark Events, you can simply flip the top event tile to reject it, making sure the one underneath is not already flipped.) At the end of the turn (step 3) these cards and tiles are moved to the main discard piles. Even if you dont use these spaces, it is good to keep the items separate from the main discard piles, because some things (e.g. the Gwaihir resource card) refer only to the cards played during the current turn; and you are not allowed to browse through the discard pile but presumably can through the current turns cards. V. Notes I found this aide useful for several purposes, which may help other players as well: a)It helped me remember some things I was a bit likely to forget: giving Fatty or the ring-bearer 2 cards at the end of scenarios; revealing a Foe card if the first tile is an activity; not resetting the black rider at the end of Mordor; etc. b)If playing solo (a common occurrence), it helps me remember the current state of the game if I need to leave the game for a short or long while. c)It helps me keep focused on what happens next for quicker playing (most needed when playing solo :). I used this flowchart format because it fit in with the style of the other game boards, even though it takes more room than compact tables and lists. In its first version it was as big as a scenario board (22"x11"), but that was a bit large even for the dining room table, so I made it almost as small as the main board. This format also allowed me to use more of John Howes wonderful Tolkien artwork. The background is a montage downloaded from (I reversed it because I prefer the Shire setting at the left.) A complex flow chart can appear overwhelming at first glance, so I tried to make it as simple as I could, while preserving its function to summarize the steps and substeps of play. I combined a few substeps, and shoved the charts for ends-of-scenario and special events into the last panel, leaving the rest for the player turn. At its core, a LotR turn is simply 0) start turn, 1) event tiles, 2) card play or other action, and 3) clean up, as shown in the line across the top. The devil is in the details, though, so if at first it seems confusing, try it out and it should get clearer with experience. VI. Acknowledgements Besides the obvious gratitude to J.R.R.Tolkien for the original story and Reiner Knizia for his gaming adaptation of it, I am grateful to: -John Howe, for painting his skilled and moving interpretations of Tolkiens world, for putting them on the web, and for his gracious personal permission in using his art.on the web -Chris Lawson, for his help to Knizia in playtesting the game, and for putting his detailed notes online. The numbering scheme for the steps in a turn follows those notes.his detailed notes -My wife Meg and daughter Tara for playtesting help. Comments and suggestions are welcome; please post them to the BGG forums. Barliman (Bryan Stout) VII. Versions 1.1 First version used Kelt font for all B&W text; it looks much like the special font for the LotR game. But many wont have it, so I changed to to Times New Roman, and reduced the font size. The Kelt font can be gotten at ; follow the instructions there. friends and foes basic game sauron dark events sequenc e options substep s sauron friends and foes dark events options substep s Legend basic game sequenc e M ORIA L ORD OF THE R INGS G AME F LOW Main board Scenario board Game flow chart

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