Carolyn Ward. Reading Club Funded by state grant Supplement work in classroom Provide support in listening skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency.

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Presentation on theme: "Carolyn Ward. Reading Club Funded by state grant Supplement work in classroom Provide support in listening skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carolyn Ward

2 Reading Club Funded by state grant Supplement work in classroom Provide support in listening skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency and phonemic awareness Allow students additional time in a positive reading environment Build confidence

3 F&P Data Teacher Referral Stanford 10 MSP Rank Order List Schedule developed in order to provide students with a double dose of reading instruction Parent Permission required

4 The LAP program provides 30 additional minutes of high quality, intensive reading instruction four days a week. Included: Phonemic awareness Word attack skills Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Written Language

5 Currently serving grades 1-3 Small group instruction Mirrors classroom program: Balanced Literacy Approach CAFÉ Daily 5

6 Benchmark Education: Pathfinders and Trailblazers Benchmark Education Bookroom Leveled Readers Fountas & Pinnell Phonics Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Making Meaning Comprehension Lucy Caulkins Writing Program

7 Development of Rank Order List Identification of student issues/initial goals Review results of F&P assessments Review report card and progress report results Update goals as needed Evaluate students for program exit as appropriate (classroom teacher, LAP teacher and parents)

8 Carolyn Ward Masters in Teaching General Education K-8 Special Education K-12 13 years experience working with struggling readers Continual participation in professional development

9 Placement decisions Reading Club Compact Reading Club Brochure Weekly Communication through homework sheets Monthly newsletters E-Mail Telephone Parent/Teacher Meetings Annual Presentation

10 Thank you very much for your time this evening.

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