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ECTS European Credit Transfer System. ECTS INTRODUCTION Move without obstacles: recognition of studies and diplomas European Credit Transfer System ECTS.

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Presentation on theme: "ECTS European Credit Transfer System. ECTS INTRODUCTION Move without obstacles: recognition of studies and diplomas European Credit Transfer System ECTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECTS European Credit Transfer System

2 ECTS INTRODUCTION Move without obstacles: recognition of studies and diplomas European Credit Transfer System ECTS Three core elements: 1. Information 2. Mutual Agreement 3. Use of ECTS-credits

3 ECTS INTRODUCTION Transparency: 1.ECTS-credits are a numerical value = workload 2.Information package 3.easily transferable from one institution to another 4.learning agreement covering the programme of study to be taken and the ECTS credits to be awarded

4 ECTS INTRODUCTION voluntary participation, transparency, flexibility and a climate of mutual trust and confidence allocation of ECTS credits to course units production of an Information package, in the native language and in another EU language use of student application forms, transcripts of records and ECTS learning agreements

5 ECTS-CREDITS ECTS-credits: numerical value (between 1 and 60), describes workload 60 ECTS-credits represent the workload of an academic year Swedish courses have credits 20 Swedish credits = 30 ECTS ECTS-credits = workload NOT the level or difficulty

6 ECTS ALLOCATION ECTS credits are allocated to course units only awarded to students who successfully complete the course by satisfying the assessment requirements

7 ECTS CREDIT TRANSFER home and host institutions prepare and exchange transcripts of records copies of these transcripts are given to the student home institution recognises the amount of credit received Learning Agreement gives the student a guarantee in advance that the credits for the approved programme of study will be transferred Two good models of credit transfer in common use

8 ECTS CREDIT TRANSFER a block of course units chosen to replace the year or the semester at the home institution course units or groups of course units which correspond to the home course units on return on return ; credits according to ECTS-credits full academic recognition is given full academic recognition is given !!!

9 ECTS CREDIT TRANSFER Partial failure: 1.If the host institution offers their own students a second attempt at an assessment, the mobile student should take advantage of this procedure 2.When the host's procedures are at an end, the matter of the students' progress rests with the home institution, in accordance with its rules. In the event of serious failure the student may need to repeat the period of study

10 ECTS INFORMATION PACKAGE information packages as guides for potential partners and students and staff intended to facilitate curriculum transparency, to help teachers guide students to choose appropriate programmes and plan their studies abroad, and to provide practical information systematically updated each year some elements are crucial : good course unit descriptions; details of examination systems and grading schemes; credits

11 ECTS INFORMATION PACKAGE Table of contents INTRODUCTION; Whta is ECTS a brief description of ECTS I. The Institution A. Name and address B. Academic calendar C. The ECTS institutional coordinator D. General description of the institution E. Registration procedures

12 ECTS INFORMATION PACKAGE II. General practical information A. Host country formalities B. Getting there C. Cost of living D. Accommodation E. Health and insurance 1.Medical facilities 2.Special needs students 3.Insurance cover F. Study facilities at the host institution 1.Libraries 2.Specialist facilities G. Other practical information H. Extra-mural and leisure activities

13 ECTS INFORMATION PACKAGE III. The department A -General description of the department B - Degree structure 1. Qualifications 2. Course structure diagram

14 ECTS INFORMATION PACKAGE III. The department C -Individual course units 1.Identification 2.Description 3.Level 4.Compulsory or optional course units 5.Teaching staff 6.Length 7.Teaching and learning methods 8.Assessment 9.The language 10.ECTS credit allocation

15 ECTS INFORMATION PACKAGE IV. Glossary A glossary of the terminology used in the information package could be useful to avoid misunderstandings V. Examples of good practice Examples of degree course structures are added as well as examples of individual course unit descriptions

16 STUDENT APPLICATION FORM the student will fill in a student application form the student must already have a precise idea on the programme of study elaborated in conjunction with the home institutions ECTS departmental coordinator and with the agreement of the home institutions ECTS institutional coordinator

17 The LEARNING AGREEMENT before the student leaves for the host institution a learning agreement should be signed The student agrees to undertake the programme of study at the host institution as an integral part of his or her higher education The home institution provides the student with a guarantee that the home institution will give full academic recognition in respect of the course units listed on the agreement The host institution confirms that the programme of study is acceptable A copy of the signed learning agreement should be given to all parties involved

18 CHANGES The learning agreement form provides for changes to the originally agreed study programme/learning agreement Agreement to the changes by all parties must be obtained in order to guarantee full academic recognition Changes to the originally agreed programme will be indicated on the reverse side of the learning agreement and duly counter-signed by the student and the coordinators of both the home and host institutions

19 TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS Credit transfer in ECTS operates by means of exchange of transcripts of records between home and host institutions and vice versa Transcripts of records describe the learning achievements of each ECTS student prior to and after the period of study abroad Every course taken by the student is recorded on the transcript of records with not only the ECTS credits but also with the grade awarded according to the local grading scale and, possibly, the grade awarded according to the ECTS grading scale A signed copy of the transcripts of records should be given to all parties involved

20 ECTS GRADING SCALE Common currency to measure the quality of student achievements many different grading systems co-exist in Europe interpretation of grades varies considerably from one country to another failure to communicate grades might have serious consequences for mobile students A European-wide facilititaing scale


22 ECTS grades A to E accompany the award of credit ECTS grades FX and F attract zero credit

23 CONVERSION GRADES ECTSF-FXEDCBAA+ SWEDENU/RG-G-GG+VGVG+ GERMANY5.0-4.14.0-3.63.5-2.82.7-2.12.0-1.51.4-1.01.0

24 MID SWEDEN UNIVERSITY: ECTS-DECISION Beslutdatum 98-01-29Dnr40/9701077 Beslut 1 Beslutas att: Endast utländska studenter på utbytesprogram skall omfattas av ECTS Tolka ECTS betygsskala som ett målrelaterat betygssystem med rekommenderade betygsgränser vis 90-80-70-60-50% av möjligt resultat med hänsyn tagen till de verbala definitioner på ECTS betygen A t.o.m. E

25 ECTS-background/mor information Rektorsbeslut Dnr 40/9701077 sw.doc

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