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Overview i.The need ii.Existing system iii.EMu Client Solution iv.Assessing Options v.IMU vi.Opportunities vii.Whats Next.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview i.The need ii.Existing system iii.EMu Client Solution iv.Assessing Options v.IMU vi.Opportunities vii.Whats Next."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview i.The need ii.Existing system iii.EMu Client Solution iv.Assessing Options v.IMU vi.Opportunities vii.Whats Next

3 the need Request/tasks management Image source:

4 the need: Dedicated Art Handlers Christopher LANGTON Sugar the pill, 1995/2009 Installation 2009.894.81 The Ambum stone, 3500 years ago greywacke stone 77.637 Jan NELSON Walking in tall grass, Carter, 2001 Painting 2004.102

5 the need: Dedicated Art Handlers Pakistan Wedding shirt [guj], c. 1910 Textile 2011.1001 Christian LACROIX Dress and sleeves, 1988 Costume 88.1655.A-C Child's skirt cloth [kain sarong] Indonesia late 19th-early 20th century Textile 87.345

6 the need: Dedicated Art Handlers Christian TOMPSON Untitled #3 [grey gum], 2008 Photography 2009.2.3 REKS Chickenpox, 2003-2004 Artist Book 2010.545.49

7 the need works with parts Example: work with 8 independently movable parts Lin ONUS (1948 - 1996) Australian Title: Dingoes Created: Australia 1989 Credit Line: Purchased 1990 Medium: synthetic polymer paint on fibreglass, wire and metal Technique: an installation containing five units Accession No: 90.1085.A-H

8 existing system - CSRS

9 Assessing option existing system - CSRS In-house bespoke system Primarily an Imaging Services Request System SQL Server back-end Access front-end Connects with EMus standard libraries (APIs) Not compatible with NGAs SOE Reports printed straight to printer not screen Requester cant search or review requests Too expensive to upgrade CSRS is not a viable option Options are: use EMu, or build another external system

10 EMu client solution An EMu client solution would be good because: Admins already understand it users understand it –(some of them, anyway) Cheaper? Quicker to build/implement? PRISM (1981) Not titled [Howard devil]. Australia 2004 Gordon Darling Australia Pacific Print Fund 2007 stencil, printed in black ink, from one stencil 2007.69.2 better the devil you know?

11 Assessing option EMu as the solution? TASKS tab So close, but… Spread across different modules, o no single list of tasks o no ability to relate task to each other or an over-arching project (exhibition) Not in all modules Would need serious customising

12 Assessing options EMu as the solution? Scheduled Internal Movements (New EMu feature) Close but… All works on the one movement must have the same destination Our requestors would have to split works into requests for each destination (not very practical) All works on the one movement will be updated at the same time (no partial completions)

13 EMu client solution are we being honest? DRUNK POSTERS Truth rules ok - Counter ideology on the street. Australia 1984 Gift of the Canberra Contemporary Art Space 1993 screenprint, printed in colour, from four stencils 93.1743 An EMu client solution wont be perfect because: most users dont understand EMu, and so most users dont love EMu CSRS is not an amazing interface – but it has colour! CSRS was purpose built – limited functionality, less overwhelming, seen as easy to use. Result: An EMu Requests Module might work but probably not perfect.

14 IMU brave new world IMu:- from gallery tours to full web interface: potential for IMU to provide a simpler, task-specific layer over standard EMu client functionality Project was back on the radar March 2012 Max DUPAIN (1911 - 1992) Brave New World 1935 Purchased 1982 gelatin silver photograph 82.1072

15 What other opportunities? Wireless roaming, tablet interface Facilitate the management of NGAs workflows Manage competing priorities Track progress

16 the result: new requests module

17 the result: web interface

18 Whats next? Expanding the Movement Requests Request movement of Other object Types

19 And then what? other web interfaces Conservation o Condition checks o Pest checks o Pest Trapping records Cataloguing Stocktake External Movements ID photography Installation (instructions, photography) Travelling Exhibitions o All of the above – so long as you have network access!

20 The long term goal? workflow management Critical Path New acquisitions Permanent Gallery changeover Internal exhibition Outward Loan –Requested: record in Emu –Movement to Conservation –Condition Assessment –Movement to Imaging –Photographed –Mountcutting? Framing? Packing? –External Movement –Arrival –Condition assessment These could all be subrequests, each with their own IMU interfaces.

21 Contact See us at the Showcase Your System session Contact us –Mark Bradley 02 6240 6539 –Jennifer Drysdale 02 6240 6568

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