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Background Objectives Findings Conclusions Data 10% sample of the 2000 Mexican Census by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Background Objectives Findings Conclusions Data 10% sample of the 2000 Mexican Census by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background Objectives Findings Conclusions Data 10% sample of the 2000 Mexican Census by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information of Mexico (INEGI). 14 Sample size for multivariate analysis: 55,677 women aged 15-39 with information about Children Ever Born (CEB), religion, ethnicity and other socioeconomic and demographic characteristics (see TABLE 2). Information about indigenous language is used to define indigenous ethnicity of Chiapanecan women (34.4% are indigenous and 65.6% are not). We follow INEGIs general classification of religious affiliation. Presbyterians and Baptists are considered Historical Protestants; religions with Charismatic background and non denominational, Pentecostal and Evangelical; and Adventists of the 7th day, Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons, Biblical Non-Evangelical. ** * Among indigenous women, Historical Protestants present 17% lower incidence of child mortality and Pentecostal-Evangelical 11% lower incidence of child mortality in comparison to Catholics, after controlling for socioeconomic covariates (see TABLES 3 and 4). Among non-indigenous women, religious affiliation did not affect the incidence of child mortality. The social and cultural transformations that tend to accompany religious conversion may have an impact on the health of disadvantaged populations such as the indigenous people in Chiapas. For instance, people expand their networks beyond the kinship, learn about hygiene and preventive health care, and re-orient patterns of consumption. 6-10 Also, men stop alcohol abuse and are expected to look after their family as a personal goal. 10,11 In addition, Presbyterians train indigenous health promoters as part of their social mission. 12,13 Further research should pay attention to unmeasured variables at the community level (influence of the religion in the community) and socioeconomic indicators such as access to educational and medical services. Also, regional mortality differentials need to be studied to understand the reasons for Selvas better child survival indicators. We use information of Children Ever Born (CEB) and Surviving CEB (SCEB) to estimate child mortality indirectly. The analysis includes: Brass-type estimates for the probability of child mortality using the adjustment factors developed by Trussel for the West Model. 15-16 Negative binomial regression 17 to calculate the incidence rate ratios of child mortality among different religions by ethnicity controlling for various socioeconomic and demographic factors (see TABLE 2). Methodology Bibliography 1. Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. La diversidad religiosa en México. Aguascalientes: INEGI, 2000. 2. Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. La población hablante de lengua indígena de Chiapas. Aguascalientes: INEGI, 2000. 3. Van Poppel F, Schellekens J, Liefbroer A C. Religious differentials in infant and child mortality in Holland, 1855-1912. Popul Stud 2002; 56:277-289. 4. Kemkes-Grottenthaler A. God, faith and death: The impact of biological and religious correlates on mortality, Hum Biol 2003; 75(6):897-915. 5. Wood C, Williams P, Chijiwa K. 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In: Manual X: Indirect techniques for demographic estimation. New York: United Nations Publications,1983. 17. Long J, Freese J. Regression models for categorical dependent variables using Stata, College Station: Stata Press, 2001.Statacorp. Child Mortality and Religious Affiliation by Ethnicity in Chiapas, Mexico A considerable number of indigenous people in Mexico have converted to Protestant religions in recent years. Chiapas is characterized by large regional variations in religious affiliation by ethnicity (see TABLE 1). From 1970 to 2000, the proportion of the population of Chiapas affiliated to Protestantism increased from 5 to 22%. 1 For indigenous populations, the rate of affiliation to Protestant religions was higher in 2000 than for non-indigenous groups. 2 Religious affiliation has been associated with child survival in other populations, i.e. Protestantism in the case of historical populations 3-4 and in northeast Brazil. 5 It has been suggested that conversion and adherence to Protestantism may buffer gender inequalities and reduce social isolation, economic instability and ignorance about health care and hygiene. 6-13 These factors are likely to have an impact on childrens health and risks of mortality. We investigate whether: there is a statistical relationship between religious affiliation and child mortality within indigenous and non-indigenous groups in Chiapas, Mexico this effect is explained by socioeconomic differentials among churches Source: El Colegio de la Frontera SUR. San Cristóbal de las Casas: Laboratorio de Análisis de Información Geográfica y Estadística, 2006. [updated 2006 January 5]. Available from: FIGURE 1. Municipalities by economic regions in Chiapas, Mexico TABLE1. Religious affiliation by ethnicity and region of residence, Chiapanecan women aged 15-49 TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics, women 15-39 years old with CEB FIGURE 2. Brass-type estimates of the probability of child mortality by ethnicity, women aged 15-39 FIGURE 3. Brass-type estimates of the probability of child mortality by religious affiliation, women aged 15-39 TABLE 3. Incidence-rate ratios of child mortality by religious affiliation, indigenous women aged 15-39 with CEB TABLE 4. Incidence-rate ratios of child mortality by religious affiliation, non-indigenous women aged 15-39 with CEB Eunice D Vargas-Valle, University of Texas at Austin, Leticia Fernández, University of Texas at El Paso,

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