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Designing Learning E-learning & D-learning ( E = electronic : D = design) Anne Boddington Dean of Faculty Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Learning E-learning & D-learning ( E = electronic : D = design) Anne Boddington Dean of Faculty Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Learning E-learning & D-learning ( E = electronic : D = design) Anne Boddington Dean of Faculty Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton

2 Designing Learning all genuine education comes through experience But it does not follow that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative (John Dewey 1938)

3 Designing Learning Cultural changes in education include shifts from teaching to learning scarcity to abundance Spectator/consumer to producers of knowledge 1:1 to 1 : many to many : many E-learning to D-Learning

4 Designing Learning ME -Learning & WE -Learning

5 Designing Learning We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us Marshall McLuhan Understanding Media, 1964

6 Designing Learning So what is a university for ? Balsama Diagram from Anne Balsamo

7 Designing Learning A university is for: sustaining conversations shaping the future of human life stimulating innovation shaping new structures of and for learning shaping new pedagogies

8 Designing Learning Diagram from Anne Balsamo

9 Designing Learning How do universities learn? What would a creative university look like ? How do we design learning?

10 Designing Learning Two communities Students Teachers Learning & Research Teaching & Research OR One community Students + Teachers Learning & Researching together

11 Designing Learning Teaching Neighbouring communities Digital/E-communities Museums Galleries Businesses Cityscape Landscape Civic Organisations Learning Research

12 Designing Learning Together together? or Alone Together (Sherry Turkle)

13 Designing Learning Design is one of the engines of innovation, generated through perpetual exchange and the interchange and accretion of collective wisdom, ideas, knowledge, skills and materials. Balancing contingencies of time, space and place, design offers moments of convergence, of memorable clarity and sense-making in a world constantly in flux. DESIGNING Design thinking + Design doing

14 Designing Learning Graphic Fashion InteriorManagement TextileDESIGN EnvironmentalInnovation Product Industrial

15 Designing Learning Graphic Fashion InteriorManagement Textile DESIGNING EnvironmentalInnovation Product Industrial

16 Designing Learning DESIGNING Design thinking + Design doing

17 Designing Learning Designing is distinguished from problem solving because : it reflects on history embraces the present and looks to the future – it is prospective it is fundamentally human

18 Designing Learning Designing brings together: skill, experience, knowledge, wisdom, mind and body It transcends disciplinary boundaries it is transformative It is a sophisticated form of learning

19 Designing Learning Designing brings together: skill, experience, knowledge, wisdom, mind and body it crosses disciplinary boundaries it is transformative It is a sophisticated form of learning

20 Designing Learning Our challenge: is to understand and design places and spaces of learning and to choreograph their occupation Place : as stable, bounded and fixed Space : as practiced place – created in time through action

21 Designing Learning Our challenge: is to re-conceive spaces of learning and their relationships one to another Personal places and spaces Physical places and spaces Digital places and spaces and the shape of our universities

22 Designing Learning Our challenge: to re-conceive spaces of learning and their relationships one to another Accommodation Planning colleagues here in Estates & Facilities Management advised us that the normal provision within pooled rooms consists of a projector, screen and a whiteboard. Extract from a university email about learning spaces (June 2010)

23 Designing Learning Our challenge is: sustaining conversations and adding a D to the E of Learning

24 Designing Learning Thank you

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