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The Work programme 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The Work programme 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Work programme

2 Draft list of negative priorities for 2014
"Rationalisation of sub-regional information (in particular in the area of urban statistics) The work on rationalisation of sub regional data could be continued in different strands: increasing visibility by the use of graphical tools, developing concepts for classifications and definitions of specific geographical areas; and restriction to information based on adequate statistical methodologies."

3 Eurostat's Annual Work Programme
Description: Urban Statistics: Urban Statistics (Urban Audit) covers a range of statistical indicators for European cities. The data collection covers a smaller set of indicators on an annual basis and a larger one on a multi-annual basis" Output: Urban Statistics available to policy DGs and general public

4 Objectives in city statistics
Exploring the national methodologies and data sources Guidelines for the data collections: compatible with the legal frameworks and consistency with European statistics Supporting NSIs Collecting data

5 Tasks and deliverables
Task 1: Screening of variables Task 2: Methodological and quality assessment Task 3: Compilation of variables for the reference year 2013 Task 4: Report on the degree of progress and difficulties encountered. Task 5: Compilation of variables for the reference year 2014

6 Scope city, larger urban zone, greater city and national level
Reference year 2013 and 2014 Short list of variables

7 Approximate timetable and budget
Call for proposal – summer (min. EUR ) The action will last for estimated 24 months The action should start in the second quarter of 2014 The estimated budget of the Commission is EUR

8 Thank you for your attention!

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