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KNR 242. Management techniques refer to: Discipline techniques refer to: Management vs. Discipline.

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Presentation on theme: "KNR 242. Management techniques refer to: Discipline techniques refer to: Management vs. Discipline."— Presentation transcript:

1 KNR 242

2 Management techniques refer to: Discipline techniques refer to: Management vs. Discipline

3 Use of Stop/Start Signals Transitions Grouping Techniques Use of Squads Names Class Organization

4 Establish Class Procedures for: Dressing Non-participation Roll Call Closure Equipment distribution and collection Class Procedures

5 Bullying issues Steps to Conflict Resolution: Stop aggressive behavior Gather information Brainstorm solutions Plan to put solutions in place Monitor Conflict Resolution

6 Create a Behavior Plan Establish Rules and Procedures Communicate your Rules and Consequences Implement your Plan Expectancy Theory High levels of activity Discipline individually Be Proactive!

7 Positive Reinforcement Premack Principal Prompts (reminders) of Desired Behavior Shape Desired Behavior Maintain Good Behavior

8 Techniques to use for unacceptable behavior: Ignore Time Out Remove from the Activity Call home Send to Principal Suspension Decrease Unacceptable Behavior

9 Corrective Feedback/Reprimands Remove Positive Consequence Behavior Contracts Behavior Corrections

10 Conference with the student Call parents Conference with Student, Teacher, Parents, Principal Establish consequences Severe Misbehavior

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