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Assistive Technology & the SETT Process

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology & the SETT Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology & the SETT Process
Elena Tobin, MS Educational Technology Coordinator The Vanguard School

2 Agenda Introductions What Can You Do With It? SETT 101 Case Studies
What’s in the IEP? I know some of you have experienced some components of this process. I am considering you my “Core Team” (explain), and making sure you are all on the same page with regards to: What SETT process is Forms Roles & Responsibilities It is important to get all the information – You will be aware of how the process works on a broad standpoint, my job is to tweak it so the process suits the needs of the Vanguard School.

3 What Kind of “Tech-Person” are You?
What are ways you use technology? Everyday: Voic ATM Virtual “card catalog” Ordering a hoagie at WaWa Online Shopping Self-Scanner at the supermarket Teaching: Word Processors for the writing process Internet Research Keyboarding Organizing files and folders on classroom computer Interwrite Boards & TV/Computer projection What’s the point? We use it everyday, to help us accomplish daily tasks. Our kids deserve the same. Are you a “digital native” or a “digital immigrant”?

4 Before We SETTle Down Definition of AT: Devices:
“…any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to maintain or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities. IDEA part B 34 C.F.R. Part 300

5 Before We SETTle Down Services:
Any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. This term includes: Evaluation Purchasing Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, repairing Coordinating other therapies Training for families and other professionals The SETT is an important component of the “services”. The SETT meeting is where most of this plan is developed. “evaluation” – notice I did not say “assessment”

6 Types of Assistive Technology
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Environmental Control Writing Devices/Computer Access Access Technology Devices for Visually Impaired Devices for Hearing Impaired Most of our students have writing and organization AT. Computer Access – switch, big keys keyboard, trackball, head mouse. Writing Devices/Computer Access – mention that we will be revisiting these two and focusing on them during a separate workshop.

7 Examples of Low Tech Options
Emphasize low tech can be any of these types of items and things throughout your classroom or home. AT is all around us!

8 “Mid Tech” Portable Word Processors
“High Tech” Dynamic Display Vocal Output Devices Case-by-case basis, we want to develop a plan that will ensure that this student will achieve FAPE and have opportunity to access the curriculum (as their “conventional learner” counterparts) – does the student need a communication device for his/her “voice”, does the struggling writer need a keystroke saver program or a word processor that will repeat what is typed for auditory feedback, does the student use a special chair, and need alternate ways to access the curriculum using the computer (ie headmouse, trackball, on-screen keyboard) A novel adaptation…

9 What Can You Do With It? To get us in the mood…
With Your Group: Examine the objects on your table Decide how it can be used to support a student Be prepared to report out

10 STOP & Think! How did the “Doohickey” activity impact your thinking about accommodating your students?

11 How it Comes Together… Assistive Technology: a system of tools that match a person’s needs, abilities, tasks SETT: a tool to help teams accomplish that match

12 Meet Joe Barnick Joe Barnick was born with spinal muscular atrophy and cannot use a keyboard or mouse, yet thanks to assistive technology he can use his computer to do all those things he cannot do in real life. He explains how he uses his computer to design and edit the AssistiveWare Newsletter with Adobe InDesign, write college papers in Word, chat with family and friends with iChat, and buys exotic ingredients and Japanese anime figures on the internet. Everything I Can’t Do in the Real World, I Can Do With My Mac

13 Ready, SETT, Go! What is SETT? The SETT Framework Student Environment
Task Tools Joy Zabala, 1995 Joy Zabala info Is a structured process to assist IEP teams with AT options. The Student What does the Student need to do? What are the Student's special needs? What are the Student's current abilities? The Environment What materials and equipment are currently available in the environment? What is the physical arrangement? Are there special concerns? What is the instructional arrangement? Are there likely to be changes? What supports are available to the student? What resources are available to the people supporting the student? The Tasks What activities take place in the environment? What activities support the student's curriculum? What are the critical elements of the activities? How might the activities be modified to accommodate the student's special needs? How might technology support the student's active participation in those activities? The Tools What no tech, low tech, and high tech options should be considered when developing a system for a student with these needs and abilities doing these tasks in these environments? What strategies might be used to invite increased student performance? How might these tools be tried out with the student in the customary environments in which they will be used?

14 To “SETT” or not to “SETT”…
At what point can AT be a consideration… The student cannot communicate or write effectively When the classroom interventions seem to not give appropriate curriculum access. (beyond the SDI) The student needs the AT support in order to receive FAPE Once a SETT, always a SETT Need to keep up, check in, especially as curriculum changes. If there are adaptations/modifications being done in the classroom and the student is successful, a SETT is probably not necessary. Franklin spellers Bookmark timers Stress balls Use of a mouse with a laptop instead of the track pad Anything else? 14

15 What Are NOT Factors of a SETT: With regards to assistive technology:
One individual’s great idea “Bells and whistles” A way to keep parents off your back Prompted by 20/20, 60 Minutes or “What I read in the paper last night” Staff opinion or inconvenience Cost Last bullet, add “upgrades” Case in TX, 1997, parents desired a laptop for their son, however he was using an AlphaSmart successfully. The parents failed to show why their son would need a heavier, more fragile device, when the more durable and lightweight AlphaSmart was serving his needs appropriately Cost – If the device/tools has the features that are appropriate, cost cannot be a factor. If the student needs the AT to ensure FAPE, it’s money well spent! Staff Inconvenience – Staff may have to create new modifications for this student in order to ensure success, taking more planning time Staff opinion – Staff cannot arbitrarily decide that a strategy will not work. Let the trial run its course, the team input drives the recommendation, “seeing is believing”, the student may surprise you! 15

16 Ready, SETT, Go! The Student: The SETT Framework “Meeting Speak”:
What is SETT? The Student: The person who is the central focus of the educational process and for whom everyone involved in any part of the educational program is an advocate. “Meeting Speak”: What does the student need to do? What are the Student’s special needs? What are the Student’s current abilities? Joy Zabala Joy Zabala info Is a structured process to assist IEP teams with AT options. The Student What does the Student need to do? What are the Student's special needs? What are the Student's current abilities?

17 Ready, SETT, Go! The Environment: The SETT Framework
What is SETT? The Environment: The customary environments in which the student is (or can be) expected to learn and grow. “Meeting Speak”: Tell me about how your instructional arrangement? Are there materials and equipment in the room that help already? Access Issues – Can Johnny use a conventional computer set-up? Are there any special concerns? Joy Zabala Joy Zabala info Is a structured process to assist IEP teams with AT options. The Environment What materials and equipment are currently available in the environment? What is the physical arrangement? Are there special concerns? What is the instructional arrangement? Are there likely to be changes? What supports are available to the student? What resources are available to the people supporting the student?

18 Ready, SETT, Go! The Tasks: The SETT Framework
What is SETT? The Tasks: The specific things that the student needs to be able to do or learn to do to reach expectations and make educational progress. “Meeting Speak”: Curriculum Demands Handwriting Any Projects? Tell me about his/her typing skills Joy Zabala Joy Zabala info Is a structured process to assist IEP teams with AT options. The Tasks What activities take place in the environment? What activities support the student's curriculum? What are the critical elements of the activities? How might the activities be modified to accommodate the student's special needs? How might technology support the student's active participation in those activities?

19 Ready, SETT, Go! The SETT Framework What is SETT? “Meeting Speak”:
The Tools: Everything that is needed by the student and others for the student to accomplish the tasks in the places where they need to be done so that educational progress is achieved. “Meeting Speak”: What is being used to help the student? What can be explored? Device? Service? No-tech, low-tech, high-tech? Joy Zabala Joy Zabala info Service? – Refer back to slide 5. No-tech, blah, give examples of each TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!!! Is a structured process to assist IEP teams with AT options. The Tools What no tech, low tech, and high tech options should be considered when developing a system for a student with these needs and abilities doing these tasks in these environments? What strategies might be used to invite increased student performance? How might these tools be tried out with the student in the customary environments in which they will be used?

20 Benefits of Using the SETT Process
The process usually leads to an appropriate device/modification for the student It focuses all assistive technology discussions on curricular needs Allows teams to be pro-active with parents Creates a paper trail Use of a team process = Multiple Perspectives Use of a timely process Provide appropriate supports Provide - not purchase for Ensure FAPE AT does not eliminate the need for instruction in skills pertinent to the task. AT enables students to be actively involved in instruction The main focus of our IEPs is to monitor progress and assist with weaknesses. Having the added benefit of the SETT process to bring in AT for those who need it, allow the team to differentiate instruction – which may not be 100% conventional for the classroom environment, but conventional and necessary to the student being served.

21 table-mates positive outcomes of
STOP & Think! Discuss with your table-mates positive outcomes of using the SETT process.

22 Who is Part of the Team? Teacher Parent Student
Related Services (Speech, OT, PT, etc.) School Administration (if applicable) District Personnel (if applicable) The student cannot communicate or write effectively When the classroom interventions seem to not give appropriate curriculum access. (beyond the SDI) The student needs the AT support in order to receive FAPE Once a SETT, always a SETT Need to keep up, check in, especially as curriculum changes.

23 Any “Team Leaders”? Typical “go to” people on a SETT Team:
Speech - Communication AT OT/PT (if applicable) Motor issues/typing Teacher – observations, implementation of classroom strategies, collection of writing samples (if writing device) Parent – Home/School Connection ** Tasks on the Action Plan can be designated to specific people. Parent – especially important when student has communication issues

24 What Does it Looks Like? Open the “AT Forum” with team briefly before or while IEP is discussed Discuss preliminary student information, if a new case Review Action Plan from prior meeting – how is team progressing with trials Gather input from all team members Document tasks for subsequent months: Strategies & Trials Training & Troubleshooting Data gathering Resources Decide on a good time to reconvene as a team Strategies: Could be trying a desk sign reminder or designating a place for student to store device or creation of a board – cooking board for speech Deciding what time of day student will use device – if too much, just plan a trial for one period a day Talk about a good accommodation that if implemented, could benefit entire class. Data gathering: Collecting writing samples Print outs of typing progress Decreasing number of prompts to answer independently Anecdotal – how is student adjusting to new cooking board – problems? – concerns?

25 Meeting Dos & Don’ts DO: DON’T SAY:
Offer parent your data regarding how their child is progressing Be mindful of what features of a device suits student’s needs best Listen to team member’s input for multiple perspectives! Give parents direction DON’T SAY: “That’s too much work”! “We don’t do that” “A laptop would be a good idea” “It costs too much” Parents can sue!! Show Blue top 10 things NOT to say in an IEP meeting…

26 table-mates about something you learned about SETT meetings.
STOP & Think! Discuss with your table-mates about something you learned about SETT meetings.


28 Are there additional skills/training needed to access the technology?
SHOW EXAMPLES OF ANNIE’S SETT FORMS Important Considerations During SETT What are the educational goals for the student? Are there additional skills/training needed to access the technology? Is the technology needed in all educational environments? Daily? In all classes? Is there technology currently in the school available to meet the student’s needs? Is there technology available that could be modified to meet the student’s needs?


30 Will staff need training?
SHOW EXAMPLES OF ANNIE’S SETT FORMS More to Consider What do you expect the tool/technology to do? Will the technology increase the functioning level/the level of independence? What are the skills necessary to utilize the technology? Will staff need training? What does the student need to do that they are now unable to do to access the curriculum/goals? What have you tried to address these needs? What has been good/bad about what you have tried? Does the student need a tool to access the standard curriculum?


32 Helpful Hints for Action Plans
Designate a class, or one task to conduct trial. Make sure to include training, support and what data will look like (if applicable) If you are unsure – Action Plan can state: “Investigate options for…”. OR team can “call IU”/Education Agency Assign everyone responsibility - parents and students too! If not done - assign again. These are helpful to keep in mind, Elena will be guiding teams through each case.

33 Sample Data Collection Log
Jane’s Technology Log Date What Did Jane Use Today? (Touchscreen, keyboard, mouse, etc.) What is Jane’s Academic/Leisure Task? (letter rec, journal writing) What Skill is Jane Doing? How Did It Go? (likes & dislikes, any problems?) Give background info – Maddie/issues/what was recommended, etc.

34 Case Studies With your SETT Team: Refer to your blue
Read your case study. Focus on curriculum or social issues preventing student success, (weeding out irrelevant facts.) and document on SETT Framework poster. Decide with your team what strategies/device would be good to try/trial. Add to your action plan. Be Prepared to report out! Refer to case studies with orange stickies Set timer ppt to 10 minutes Have people use big framework poster, and use action plan sheet (extra AP attached to sett forms) Encourage teams – if they don’t know a specific device name, agree on features or what the device should do Refer to your blue packet at this time!

35 After the SETT Meeting Team tries various classroom interventions and/or the student trials devices/software Data is collected to document trials Student has success with the adaptations and/or gets it! The team determines if the AT is needed to meet IEP/FAPE.

36 What Makes it Work? Teamwork Collaboration
Using team members’ strengths Many trials Focusing on the device features that suit the child, not brand names or bells and whistles Support from everyone The student is able to do something they struggled with before….. Better Values all perspectives Promotes collaboration Focus on function in context Procedurally safe

37 IEP Documentation What to look for…
Considerations Page – Assistive Technology Checked Present Educational Levels – Teachers can mention how device/strategy positively impacts student learning SDIs – “Ongoing in the SETT Process”, generic name of device (if applicable), and identify where and when it’s used – “Use of portable word processor for Language Arts” Supports for School Personnel “Support and training for AT implementation provided by Educational Technology/AT Consultant” Bookmark timers, franklin spellers are examples of classroom accomodations, available to students already and thus NOT AT for Vanguard Remember, there is no wrong way to mention AT in the IEP (clear as mud), just make sure it is documented somewhere!

38 Don’t forget the online feedback survey!
More Resources PIAT & PaTTAN – PA STL Programs Any in NJ? ETTC? Your district’s Director of Special Education Don’t forget the online feedback survey!

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