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A (and inset), diffuse erythematous papules covering the back and upper extremities with histologic evidence of superficial perivascular dermatitis with.

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Presentation on theme: "A (and inset), diffuse erythematous papules covering the back and upper extremities with histologic evidence of superficial perivascular dermatitis with."— Presentation transcript:

1 A (and inset), diffuse erythematous papules covering the back and upper extremities with histologic evidence of superficial perivascular dermatitis with occasional eosinophils B, H&E, ×20 original object magnification C, H&E, ×100 original object magnificat... A (and inset), diffuse erythematous papules covering the back and upper extremities with histologic evidence of superficial perivascular dermatitis with occasional eosinophils B, H&E, ×20 original object magnification C, H&E, ×100 original object magnification. Douglas B. Johnson et al. Cancer Immunol Res 2013;1: ©2013 by American Association for Cancer Research

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