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An integrated suite of teaching and learning tools

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1 An integrated suite of teaching and learning tools
Introducing Edwin An integrated suite of teaching and learning tools Welcome to Introducing Edwin! Edwin is not an acronym. Edwin is: A comprehensive integrated suite of tools and resources to help educators at every level – classroom, school, district and state – to improve teaching and learning by providing: Online tools and resources to support curriculum and assessment in the classroom Comprehensive student information for current and prior years Information to support classroom, school and district-wide planning, decision making

2 Our core strategies Prepare all students for success after high school by: Strengthening curriculum, instruction, and assessment Improving educator effectiveness Turning around the lowest performing districts and schools Using data and technology to support student performance Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

3 Curriculum Tools – Edwin Teaching & Learning
Model curriculum units Curriculum mapping and Lesson planning tools Aligned to Standards Student profiles An early warning indicator system Dashboards & reports High-quality digital resources to support instruction Aligned to standards Student Information – Edwin Analytics Early Warning Indicator Other reports to answer questions educators ask on a regular basis Educator access through dashboards and through reports Curriculum Tools – Edwin Teaching & Learning aligned to the current Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks: Model curriculum maps Model curriculum units and the ability for districts to: create curriculum maps modify and/or create new curriculum units create lesson plans Assessment Tools – Edwin Teaching & Learning Ability to build and deliver interim and formative assessments access to banks of assessment items easy-to-use reports on assessments being delivered results from classroom/school /district-wide common assessments Competency Tracking System for Vocational Education Digital Resources – Edwin Teaching & Learning easy access to quality online resources to support instruction. Resources to be “tagged” to standards and be in various formats: To incorporate into curriculum units and lessons To help differentiate instruction To incorporate into assessments Edwin key take-aways: Voluntary - use components or whole Standards Based - anchored in most current Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks / Standards Integrated – Data moves automatically to all services with goal of “educator-one-stop- shopping” Dual Service Delivery – Department and “cloud-based” services Tools to assess student understanding of multiple standards Competency Tracking System Aligned to standards

4 Edwin Teaching & Learning
Edwin Teaching & Learning will enable teachers to accelerate and personalize the education experience by providing: Online access Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks Online access to curriculum tools including Model Curriculum being developed by the State, to customize and share electronically Easy to use paper, online and clicker test administration options for teachers to determine what progress students have made and what help they need Data analysis and reporting capabilities A portfolio of every students’ work Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

5 Edwin Teaching & Learning
Upcoming joint webinar series with Thinkgate to demonstrate the functionality of Edwin Teaching & Learning. Webinars will be conducted live on the following schedule and sessions will be recorded for offline viewing. Edwin Teaching & Learning Executive Overview  – Wednesday, January 23 Noon – 1PM Demonstrate the benefits and functionality of the Edwin Teaching & Learning Register to attend at: OR Assessment Creation and Administration – Wednesday, January 30 Noon – 1PM Demonstrate creating and administering assessments and reporting Curriculum, Instruction and Resources – Wednesday, Feb 6 Noon – 1PM Demonstrate curriculum, instruction tools and integration with learning resources Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

6 What is Edwin Analytics?
Data Warehouse Merged into Edwin Login roles for Edwin Analytics remain the same as the EDW: DW – (210) District User DW – (211) School User DW – Evaluator URL for Edwin Analytics remains the same as EDW No need to update Trusted Sites Security Portal Edwin Analytics link added

7 What is Edwin Analytics?
New Security Portal Link Data Warehouse v3.0 link will be gone. Edwin Analytics (EDW) will have Data Warehouse content. Data Warehouse Announcement will explain the move. New Content in Edwin Analytics EWIS reports on the Student tab College Readiness reports on the Student tab

8 Accessing Edwin

9 What is in Edwin Analytics?
What is the SAME: EDW reports are still available What is NEW and available by the end of January: Identify current students in grades 1-12 who may be at risk of missing key educational targets (Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) reports) Identify how your former students did after they graduated from your school/district (Postsecondary Readiness and Success) Value to districts: Save time and effort answering common questions regarding your current and former students in order to improve teaching and learning.

10 Early Warning Indicator System

11 What are Early Warning Indicators?
Methodological way of looking at students and their likelihood of meeting specific academic goals Traditionally implemented at the high school level to help predict which students are most likely to drop out Tool for educators to better design and target student interventions in a timely way

12 MA EWIS Background Department previously provided Early Warning Indicator Index (EWII) to predict the likelihood grade 9 students would graduate Department worked with American Institutes for Research (AIR) to develop the new risk models District feedback, e.g., focus groups and webinars Rollout of EWIS in September via Security Portal Districts shared that the EWII data were helpful, but also requested indicator data at earlier grade levels and throughout high school Conducted an extensive literature review of the research on indicators for early warning systems Identified and tested possible indicators for the risk models based on those recognized in the research and data that are collected and available from the Department’s data system Tested the indicators and risk models on previous school years

13 Key Concepts Massachusetts EWIS is for grade levels 1-12
Based on four grade-level groupings that are connected to key academic goals along the academic trajectory that are designed to be relevant to and actionable for educators As a state, currently at different levels of achieving these four academic goals Three EWIS risk levels: low, moderate, high A student that is “low risk” is predicted to be likely to meet the academic goal

14 Grade Groupings & Goals
Age Groups Grade Levels Academic Goals (expected student outcomes for each age group) Current Statewide Results for Goal Early Elementary Grades 1-3 Proficient or advanced on 3rd grade ELA MCAS 61% Late Elementary Grades 4-6 Proficient or advanced on 6th grade ELA and Mathematics MCAS 54% Middle Grades Grades 7-9 Passing grades on all 9th grade courses 75% High School Grades 10-12 High school graduation (four-year) 83.4%

15 Key Concepts, continued
Provides risk level information for all students based on prior year data The risk levels are not based on a student’s relative likelihood for reaching an academic goal when compared with other students Individual indicators in the risk model are not reflective of the level of risk - taken together, the indicators (data points) collectively form a risk level Only includes data from existing statewide collections (SIMS and SCS) and state assessments (MCAS and MEPA)

16 EWIS is / is not… The Massachusetts EWIS is…
The Massachusetts EWIS is not… A tool to better target interventions and supports at the individual, small group, and whole school levels. A “life sentence” or a reason to label students. A systematic way to flag students that need to be further examined to determine what additional support are necessary. A diagnostic tool that provides details on the exact reason(s) why a student is at risk for not meeting an expected academic goal. Related to measures that are included in the state’s school and district accountability system (PPI), but is not itself an accountability measure. An accountability measure. Based on data and risk models that the Department will reexamine each year to continually improve the system. A stagnant system that will remain exactly the same in future years.

17 Statewide EWIS Findings
Early Elementary: P/A of Gr 3 ELA MCAS Late Elementary: P/A of Gr 6 ELA & math MCAS Middle Grades: Passing all Gr 9 courses High School: High school graduation Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 High 28.3% 29.0% 29.2% 34.5% 34.6% 37.2% 18.3% 16.0% 18.5% 9.9% 7.4% 4.1% Mod. 23.4% 20.9% 18.7% 18.1% 19.6% 14.5% 22.3% 18.4% 13.3% 5.9% 4.5% Low 42.9% 47.4% 49.6% 45.1% 43.5% 45.7% 56.0% 57.6% 56.7% 72.4% 82.1% 84.8% N/A 5.4% 2.7% 2.5% 2.3% 2.6% 3.4% 2.9% 6.4% 4.4% 4.6% 6.7%

18 Edwin Analytics: EWIS Reports
There are three EWIS reports in Edwin: EWIS Student List (EW601) EWIS District View (EW301) EWIS Graphical View (EW302) All can be filtered numerous way (e.g., selecting specific schools, grade levels, student subgroups)

19 EWIS Student List (EW601) What are the current risk levels of my students? What are the prior risk levels of my current students? What data points (indicators) went into the calculation to determine the risk level?

20 Excel option

21 EWIS District View (EW301)
Which grade levels or schools have the most students that need targeted support in order to be on track to meet the next academic goal? What is the breakdown of high, moderate, and low risk levels in a particular student subgroup (e.g. among students with disabilities)? Where does the district need to focus additional resources to get students back on track for meeting the next academic goal?


23 EWIS Graphical View (EW302)
How does a selected group of students compare to the district and state? What are the previous risk levels of the currently enrolled students over the past 5 years? E.g., what are the previous risk levels of my current 4th grade male ELL students? What are the risk levels of a specific student group over the past 5 years? E.g., what are the risk levels of 4th grade male ELL students each year over the last 5 years?


25 Postsecondary Enrollment and Outcomes

26 How did our students do after graduating?
Three new reports: Postsecondary Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: All Institutions (CR301) MA Public Institutions Only (CR302) Academic Preparation (CR303) … but each is really several reports in one! Academic Preparation = MassCore Completion AP Course Completion MCAS 10th Grade ELA MCAS 10th Grade Math MCAS High School Science

27 How many public high school graduates enroll postsecondary?
… at MA public institutions? On top: data from CR301; on bottom: data from CR302

28 Where did students enroll? (Anywhere in the USA)
This data from CR301 See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

29 How many return for a 2nd year?
What does persistence look like across subgroups? Data from CR301; See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

30 How many of your graduates obtain a degree?
How does that vary by subgroup? How does that vary by the type of institution where students enroll? (4-year, 2-year, public, or private) Data from CR301; See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

31 What are enrollment rates of students who complete AP or Mass Core coursework?
Data from CR301; See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

32 Which type of institutions do they attend?
Data from CR303

33 Of those in MA public postsecondary, what % enroll in remedial courses?
16 graduates in MA public postsecondary In which subjects? Data from CR302

34 What are the MCAS scores of students who take remedial courses?
16 graduates in MA public postsecondary Data from CR302

35 How many credits do graduates earn in their first year of college?
What about developmental credits? Data from CR302

36 … and this is just the beginning of what we can do!
We could also explore… What is the relationship between MCAS scores and the type of institution where students enroll? (4-year, 2-year, public, or private) What is the postsecondary experience of students from a specific subgroup (CVTE, ELL, students with disabilities, high needs, etc)?

37 How did our students do after graduating?
Three new reports: Postsecondary Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: All Institutions (CR301) MA Public Institutions Only (CR302) Academic Preparation (CR303) … but each is really several reports in one! Academic Preparation = MassCore Completion AP Course Completion MCAS 10th Grade ELA MCAS 10th Grade Math MCAS High School Science

38 Comparing the Three Reports
Potential Questions CR301 CR302 CR303 How many graduates go on to postsecondary? X What type of institutions (4-year/2-year, private/public) do graduates attend? Which specific institutions did students attended? How many went to each? What are the enrollment rates of students who complete MassCore or AP coursework compared to those who don’t? What are the persistence and degree obtainment rates of students who complete MassCore or AP coursework? What is the postsecondary experience of students from a specific subgroup? (CVTE, ELL, SWD, high needs, etc) What percentages of students enroll in and complete remedial courses? In what remedial subjects to do students enroll? What are the MCAS scores of students who take remedial coursework in math and reading? How many credits, on average, do public high school graduates earn in their first year of college?

39 Comparing Reports CR301: all institutions CR302: MA public only
Postsecondary data from National Student Clearing House (NSC) Postsecondary data from MA Department of Higher Education Enrollment anywhere in the USA Academic Preparation Persistence to 2nd year Degree Obtainment Enrollment by Institution Name Enrollment at MA Public Postsecondary Only 1st Term Developmental Coursework 1st Year Credit Obtainment

40 CR303: Postsecondary Outcomes by Academic Preparation
For each of the following high school metrics: MassCore Completion AP Course Completion MCAS 10th Grade ELA MCAS 10th Grade Math MCAS High School Science ...we can look at the following outcomes: Postsecondary Enrollment, Persistence, and Degree Obtainment (all postsecondary institutions) MA Public Postsecondary Enrollment, Persistence, and Degree Obtainment MA Public 1st Yr. Avg Credit Obtainment MA Public 1st Term Developmental Enrollment MA Public 1st Yr Avg. Developmental Credit Obtainment

41 Refining your search

42 What else is coming? Spring 2013:
Postsecondary Readiness and Success for Adult Basic Education (ABE) graduates Classroom-level reports for educators School readiness reports for K-3 educators Fall 2013: Educator evaluation reports District financial analysis

43 For more information… Watch the Edwin website for updates, including materials and professional development opportunities: Follow Edwin on Edwin_DESE Questions can be submitted to: If you need access to Edwin Analytics – contact your district directory administrator (List is available at )

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