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Roberts Rules of Order. Agendas We provide them for you. You can add to it but you cant take from it. Everything must be discussed.

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Presentation on theme: "Roberts Rules of Order. Agendas We provide them for you. You can add to it but you cant take from it. Everything must be discussed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roberts Rules of Order

2 Agendas We provide them for you. You can add to it but you cant take from it. Everything must be discussed.

3 Standard Order of Business According to Roberts Rules An easy way to remember Roberts Rules standard order of business is with the mnemonic 3R-SUN which you can see in the following list. This list is a quick reference to make it easy for you to set up a basic agenda for your meeting quickly and without much fuss. Reading and Approval of the Minutes Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees Reports of Special (Select or Ad Hoc) Committees Special Orders Unfinished Business and General Orders New Business

4 Opening Meeting AV0&feature=related AV0&feature=related

5 Making and Handling Motions According to Roberts Rules When that light bulb goes off in your head and you have a great idea, you make a motion according to Roberts Rules to get your idea discussed and a decision made. Following are the eight steps required from start to finish to make a motion and get the group to decide whether it agrees. Each step is a required part of the process. 1. What to Say The member rises and addresses the chair. Madam Chairman.... 2. The chair recognizes the member. The chair recognizes Ms.____________ 3. The member makes a motion. I move to approve Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip 4. Another member seconds the motion. Second. 5. The chair states the motion. It is moved and seconded to approve Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip. Are you ready for the question? 6. The members debate the motion. The chair recognizes Ms. __________ to speak to her motion.... 7. The chair puts the question and the members vote. All those in favor of adopting the motion to approve Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip will say aye, [pause] those opposed will say no. 8. The chair announces the result of the vote. The ayes have it and the motion carries, and it has been approved for Little Steps to travel to the park for a field trip.

6 Make a motion hHc hHc LlE LlE

7 Taking Minutes u/17/_Uv70J7DTYs u/17/_Uv70J7DTYs

8 Parent Committee By-Laws Found on website – HS Admin Parent Committee By-laws (grantee or partner) 32&subcategory_id=7777 32&subcategory_id=7777

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