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Measuring length- PowerPoint months

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1 Measuring length- PowerPoint 40-60 months
This powerpoint can be used to support the teaching of ‘Shape, space and measure’ targeted towards the month age band.

2 Teaching tips: This can be used to introduce simple units of measure. Explain that you are going to measure the length of an object. What could you use? Now look at the arrows and measure them using the cubes? Refer how to measure correctly and accurately. Do you think the next arrow will be more or less cubes? why? Begin to introduce the idea of estimation. Can they give explanations for their reasoning? EXT: Why not measure different lengths using cubes around the classroom?

3 8 cubes

4 11 cubes

5 7 cubes

6 10 cubes

7 5 cubes

8 6 cubes

9 11 cubes

10 9 cubes

11 2 cubes

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