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Tehničke mjere zaštite podataka

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Presentation on theme: "Tehničke mjere zaštite podataka"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tehničke mjere zaštite podataka

2 Prijetnje za podatke Virusi Krađa identiteta
Iskorištavanje lokalnih resursa

3 Izvori prijetnji WEB Elektronička pošta
Zaraženi prijenosni uređaji (USB) Društvene mreže

4 Porast broja napada i njihova složenost
Prostor za napad sve veći Napadi su mnogo složeniji od obrane Threat landscape is constantly changing Average user had 3 devices and both user and device are mobile Everything will be Cloud Managed IoT Attackers coordinate and combine tecniques to improve thier strike rate. Resuable code, online tools, it’s easy Soccer/Football – Red Cards (7 player minimum) Laptops/Desktops Phones/Tablets Virtual servers/desktops Cloud servers/storage IoT Syndicated crime tools Zero day exploits Memory resident Polymorphic/metamorphic Multilevel botnets

5 Razvoj prijetnji Rješavanje web sigurnosnih je potreba vaših radnika već danas Podaci o kupcima Intelektualno vlasništvo Bankovni računi Pristupni podaci društvenih mreža Website kontrola Raspoloživost sustava

6 Trend razvoja prijetnji
PRIJETNJE: Postaju sve više nepoznate Jednostavno ih je primijeniti Koriste se za hakiranje METE: Svi – od pojedinca do korporacija

7 Lokalna mreža

8 Lokalna mreža

9 Smjerovi zaštite: network i endpoint

10 Zadaće i funkcionalnost firewalla
Promet u oba smjera web promet elektronička pošta kontrola aplikacija Kontrola WiFi prometa

11 Endpoint zaštita Tradicionalni antivirus
Temeljen na poznatom kodu - definicije Antivirus nove generacije Prati ponašanje Kontrola fizičkih uređaja

12 Ostali vidovi zaštite Kriptiranje podataka Kontrola mobilnih uređaja
Zaštita servera

13 Sophos sinkronizirana zaštita
Security Heartbeat™ Firewall Next-Gen Endpoint Wireless Mobile Server Encryption Web This type of communication and automated response is the future of IT Security, and it’s here today… providing real benefits to thousands of customers around the world who are saving enormous amounts of time responding to and remediating threats. But We’re just getting started with Synchronized Security, we have a ton of new innovations in this area in the works

14 IT sigurnost je zahtjevna
Ljudi koji se bave IT sigurnosti Growing number and sophistication of security threats Increasing cost and exposure of "getting it wrong" Traditional, complex point solutions increase cost and erode usability and manageability Fragmented and constantly changing vendor landscape is difficult to navigate and understand Limited in-house IT security personnel and expertise Pressure on resources, budgets and time Enterprise security issues without enterprise class budgets 100 – 500 500 – 1000 1, ,000 5, ,000 20,000+

15 Licenciranje Kupnja licenci na bazi 1, 2 ili 3 godine MSP program

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