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ESA Space Weather Applications Activities in Space Environments and Effects A. Glover, E. Daly Space Environments and Effects Section, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk,

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Presentation on theme: "ESA Space Weather Applications Activities in Space Environments and Effects A. Glover, E. Daly Space Environments and Effects Section, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESA Space Weather Applications Activities in Space Environments and Effects A. Glover, E. Daly Space Environments and Effects Section, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

2 Content Space Weather Applications Initiative & SWENET Space Environments and Effects Network of Technical Competences R and D activities Next Steps

3 Space Weather Pilot Project Goals Through development of a coordinated network of services aim to: Sample European market for SW services ~5MEuro investment (2MEuro from ESA/GSP) Questions: users?, valuable services?, need for specific space elements?, value of coordinated approach?, organisational requirements…? Establish the case for a European space weather service based on: –Sample market (SDA network) –Open literature Take into account both financial and potential strategic issues –Include as much quantitative information as possible Produce an independent unbiased analysis for use in future decision making Cost and Benefit Analysis Goals

4 Service Network & Status SWENET and SDA network operational ESA/GSP support now concluded Review of cost and benefit analysis study outputs ongoing Strong community support for maintaining SWENET National activities developing: e.g. in France, Germany, Spain, Belgium Approximate distribution of active users:

5 Network of Technical Competences on Space Environments and Effects: SEENotC Goals: –to reinforce the coordination of existing and planned space environments and effects related activities in Europe, –implementation of a coherent European programme of activities in the domain, Domain: –energetic particle radiation and its effects on systems, payloads and humans; –natural and induced plasma environments and their interactions with spacecraft, and resulting effects on systems and payloads –Explicitly excluded are space debris, micrometeoroid and thermal environments.

6 Specific Responsibilities and Activities Define and implement the framework for a reinforced co-ordination of present and future national and ESA resources in the area of space environments and effects; coordinate in Member States agencies, technical centres and industry: –R&D; –establishment and operation of facilities for supporting project development and R&D; –preparation and maintenance of engineering standards; Capture details of activities in Europe and elsewhere, highlight areas of concern, and establish priority requirements for actions taking account of end-user needs; Establish and maintain a medium and long-term plan including activities related to: –flight opportunities for environments and effects investigations; –environments and effects models and computational tools; –environmental effects (radiation, plasma, etc.) evaluation; Validation of procedures, methods and tools Promote awareness of space environment effects issues;

7 Define and develop the European role vis-à-vis other international entities; Liaise with other European technical groups, including –ESCC/CTB/RGW (European Space Components Coordination / Component Technology Board / Radiation Working Group) –ECSS (European Cooperation on Space Standards) –SPINE (Spacecraft-Plasma Interactions Network in Europe) –SWWT (Space Weather Working Team), - capturing end user needs and concerns. Working Group Main Goals: detailed technical analysis of individual issues, analysis and validation of the results of activities of the network members, including industry, and establishment of a technical roadmap based on capture of user requirements, including the needs of industry. SEENotC Will Also…

8 Some Related R and D Activities at ESA Recently completed: Feasibility study on nanosatellites (<10kg) for space weather monitoring Space environment support system for comms/nav systems (SESS) –Based on SEISOP system developed in conjunction with D/OPS ISAC: Influence of Solar Activity Cycles on Climate (via D/EOP) Ongoing: Solar Energetic Particle Environment Modelling MuSTAnG: Greifswald Muon Telescope Analysis of Giove-A radiation monitor data Upcoming: Space Weather Warning for Space Systems, TRP, expected Q3/2007 Analysis of data from radiation monitors onboard Giove A2 (launch late 2008) + Galileo IOV Energetic Electron Models for MEO SEENotC – coordination and new developments New opportunities: see & SWEN newsletter: #swen@esa.int

9 ESA is involved in many diverse space weather activities through D/TEC, D/Sci, D/OPS and D/EOP. Also growing interest in context of manned spaceflightESA is involved in many diverse space weather activities through D/TEC, D/Sci, D/OPS and D/EOP. Also growing interest in context of manned spaceflight SWPP has shown evidence of interest from industry.SWPP has shown evidence of interest from industry. Significant market potential growth expected for Nav and S/C.Significant market potential growth expected for Nav and S/C. Refinement of market scenarios and outcome of the cost benefit analysis ongoing Report to ESA management Summer 2007 Organisational issues need to be discussed with stake holders (ESA, EU, Industry, National agencies) in the next 6 months. SEENotC will act as forum for coordination of European space environment and effects related R and D In parallel, ESAs normal R and D programmes will continue to fund space environment related applications activities. Conclusions

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