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A Stony Gland! Mayo Clinic Proceedings

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1 A Stony Gland! Mayo Clinic Proceedings
Satvinder Singh Bakshi, MS, DNB  Mayo Clinic Proceedings  Volume 93, Issue 2, (February 2018) DOI: /j.mayocp Copyright © 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Patient with a right submandibular swelling.
Mayo Clinic Proceedings  , DOI: ( /j.mayocp ) Copyright © 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Computed tomography scan showing the presence of 2 radiopaque lesions in the submandibular gland suggestive of submandibular sialolithiasis. Mayo Clinic Proceedings  , DOI: ( /j.mayocp ) Copyright © 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Terms and Conditions

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