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Early postoperative outcome and medium-term survival in 540 diabetic and 2239 nondiabetic patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting  Zoltán.

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Presentation on theme: "Early postoperative outcome and medium-term survival in 540 diabetic and 2239 nondiabetic patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting  Zoltán."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early postoperative outcome and medium-term survival in 540 diabetic and nondiabetic patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting  Zoltán Szabó, MD, PhD, Erik Håkanson, MD, PhD, Rolf Svedjeholm, MD, PhD  The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  Volume 74, Issue 3, Pages (September 2002) DOI: /S (02)

2 Fig 1 Thirty-day mortality and the incidence of stroke, renal failure, and sternal wound infections after coronary artery bypass grafting in nondiabetic (control, n = 2239) and diabetic patients depending on diabetic therapy (diet, n = 97; tablet, n = 205; insulin, n = 238). ∗Statistically significant difference between the diet and insulin-treated groups (χ2 test for unordered categories) within the diabetic cohort of patients. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , DOI: ( /S (02) )

3 Fig 2 Cumulative 5-year survival (Kaplan-Meier) in diabetic and nondiabetic patients after coronary artery bypass grafting. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , DOI: ( /S (02) )

4 Fig 3 Cumulative 5-year survival (Kaplan-Meier) after coronary artery bypass grafting in diabetic patients depending on method of antidiabetic therapy on admission. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , DOI: ( /S (02) )

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