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Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews Introducing Film Names Have you seen it?

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Presentation on theme: "Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews Introducing Film Names Have you seen it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews Introducing Film Names Have you seen it?

2 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews The CH+AIM+ber of SEE-crits Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets Note: The part in CAPITAL letters is where the stress is. Do not sound the letter(s) in brackets. They are there to help you identify the word which has the sound. Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

3 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets Source:

4 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 4 An American Tail Tail: T+(S)AY+(fai)l Tale and tail have the same pronunciation. The use of tail to mean tale is on purpose because a mouse has a tail. This is my tail! A tale is a story. Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

5 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 5 An American Tail Source:

6 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 6 The Chronicles of Narnia Chronicles: K+RON+ni+cal Narnia: N+(c)AR+nia Chronicles: stories telling us exactly what happened. Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

7 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 7 The Chronicles of Narnia Source:

8 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 8 Charlotte's Web A web is a home for a spider. SHA+(toi)let+s Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

9 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 9 Charlotte's Web Source:

10 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 10 Bridge to Terabithia ter(ry)+ra+BI(T)+thea(ter) Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

11 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 11 Bridge to Terabithia Source:

12 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 12 The Incredibles in+CRE+di(t)+bles Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

13 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 13 The Incredibles Source: http:///

14 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 14 Ratatouille rat+a+TOO+EE Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

15 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 15 Ratatouille Source:

16 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 16 Monsters, Inc. MON(itor)+s+ter+s Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

17 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 17 Monsters, Inc. Source:

18 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 18 WALL · E wall+ly Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

19 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 19 WALL · E Source:

20 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 20 Over the Hedge H+(B)ED+(lar)ge Hedge here refers to the plants and bushes that surround a forest. Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

21 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 21 Over the Hedge Source:

22 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 22 The Tale of Despereaux DES(K)+per+row Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

23 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 23 The Tale of Despereaux Source:

24 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 24 Revision

25 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 25 Chamber Two syllables The stress is on the first syllable. CH+AIM+ber Cham Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

26 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 26 Tail It sounds the same as 'Tale. One syllable T+(S)AY+(fai)l Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

27 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 27 Chronicles Three syllables (without the 's') The stress is on the first syllable. Now try 'Chronicles' (with the 's'). K+RON+ni+cal Chro Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

28 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 28 Narnia Three syllables The stress is on the first syllable. N+(C)AR+nia Nar Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

29 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 29 Charlotte Two syllables SHA+(toi)let Char Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

30 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 30 Terabithia Five syllables The stress is on the third syllable. *Not BEE but BI(T) thia.pdf pronunciation-terabithia-title-bridge-4983 ter(ry)+ra+BI(T)+thea(ter) bit Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

31 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 31 Incredibles Five syllables The stress is on the second syllable. in+CRE+di(t)+ble+s cre Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

32 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 32 Ratatouille Three syllables The stress is on the last syllable: TOO+EE It is a French word. It is a vegetable dish, usually made with eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and onions, etc. rat+a+TOO+EE touille

33 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 33 Monsters Three syllables The stress is on the first syllable. Inc. = Incorporated Incorporated refers to a company which has been legally set up. MON(ITOR)+s+ter+s Mon Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

34 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 34 Wall · E Two syllables The stress is on the first syllable Wall · E is a nickname of 'Wally' for 'Wallace' 'E is used here to mean that the robot is an electronic device, as in e-mail and e-learning. wall+ly Wall Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

35 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 35 Hedge One syllable 'Over the hedge' means outside the forest. h+(B)ED+(lar)ge Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

36 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 36 Despereaux Three syllables The stress is on the first syllable. Despereaux is the name of a brave mouse. His mother named him when life was despair and sad at the time. DES(K)+per+row Due to copyright issues, the photos of the movie cannot be displayed here. Teachers can search photos from search engines such as Google and Yahoo for classroom use.

37 Web-based Learning and Teaching Support, EDB Films and Film Reviews 37 The End

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