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We propose to use carbon tax to invest in world capital markets to reduce carbon emissions and to fund a social security benefit for future new born children.

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Presentation on theme: "We propose to use carbon tax to invest in world capital markets to reduce carbon emissions and to fund a social security benefit for future new born children."— Presentation transcript:

1 We propose to use carbon tax to invest in world capital markets to reduce carbon emissions and to fund a social security benefit for future new born children

2 Carbon Tax fueled social security sovereign wealth fund for future new born children 4 million 67 year olds at $2,400 each per year A $200 per month benefit $9,600,000,000 per year benefit paid in year 67 $19,200,000.00 $28,800,000.00 $38,400,000.00 $48,000,000.00 $57,600,000.00 $67,200,000.00 $76,800,000.00 $86,400,000.00 $96,000,000.00 $105,600,000.00 *** *** The $105 Billion per year benefit pay out at year 11 represents 40 or so Million retirees who start to pass away to be replaced by the newly retired. The $105 Billion should start to stabilize 10 to 15 years after the first Carbon tax children retire. ( 82 years after enactment)

3 A invested carbon tax 70 years in the future allows a saving to future tax payers from savings from freeing the elderly from welfare S4,800 each per year benefit paid. A S400 per month benefit $19,200,000,000 $38,400,000,000 $57,600,000,000 $76,800,000,000 $96,000,000,000 $115,200,000,000 $134,400,000,000 $153,600,000,000 $172,800,000,000 $192,000,000,000 $211,200,000,000 *** *** $211 Billion per year for 40 Million retirees $8,400 each per year A $800 per month benefit $33,600,000,000 $67,200,000,000 $100,800,000,000 $134,400,000,000 $168,000,000,000 $201,600,000,000 $235,200,000,000 $268,800,000,000 $302,400,000,000 $336,000,000,000 $369,600,000,000 *** *** $370 Billion per year for 40 Million retirees

4 67 years after enactment;$250 Billion per year carbon tax invested produces $88 Trillion total $18,000 per year $1,500 per month benefit $72,724,000,000 $145,448,000,000 $218,172,000,000 $290,896,000,000 $363,620,000,000 $436,344,000,000 $509,068,000,000 $581,792,000,000 $654,516,000,000 $727,240,000,000 $799,964,000,000 *** $800 Billion per year for 40 million retirees earning's on the carbon tax sovereign wealth fund is, 3,288,014,184,962.90 ( year 67-68) 3,421,534,752,361.41 3,560,396,142,455.87 3,704,811,988,154.10 3,855,004,467,680.27 4,011,204,646,387.48 4,173,652,832,242.97 4,342,598,945,532.69 4,517,302,903,354.00 4,698,995,019,488.16 4,887,954,820,267.69 $800 Billion is about 1/5 of the earnings of $ 5 Trillion per year of the $88 Trillion total fund***

5 YearRate"Invested (Payments) per year Cumulative Payments 123456789123456789 4.000% 250,000,000,000.00 500,000,000,000.00 750,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000,000.00 1,250,000,000,000.00 1,500,000,000,000.00 1,750,000,000,000.00 2,000,000,000,000.00 2,250,000,000,000.00 2,500,000,000,000.00 Cumulative InterestBalance 10,000,000,000.00 30,400,000,000.00 61,616,000,000.00 104,080,640,000.00 158,243,865,600.00 224,573,620,224.00 303,556,565,032.96 395,698,827,634.28 501,526,780,739.65 $250,000,000,000 $510,000,000,000 $780,400,000,000 $1,061,616,000,000 $1,354,080,640,000 $1,658,243,865,600 $1,974,573,620,224 $2,303,556,565,033 $2,645,698,827,634 $3,001,526,780,740 Year 9 yields at 4% growth rate $ 3 trillion Sovereign wealth fund and industrial policy Invest 5% of Carbon tax in heavy water reactors One reactor per year to be located on existing PWR reactor sites sums to 19 reactors at $150 billion $ 3 Trillion X 5% equals $150 Billion Divide by 9 years is $16 Billion per year to be invested in heavy water nuclear reactor 19 reactors owned by the social security sovereign wealth fund After 9 years the fund ramps up to two new heavy water reactors new build per year. 18 reactors at $16 Billion each over another 9 years is $288 Billion.($32 Billion per year) TVA is the custodian of the 19 reactors on behalf of the social security sovereign wealth fund 7 states with 14 senators in or near the TVA service area and the DOE savanna river

6 yearsrateInvested (Payments) per year( Carbon tax) Cumulative PaymentsPrinciple plus interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4%250,000,000,000.00 2,750,000,000,000.00 3,000,000,000,000.00 3,250,000,000,000.00 3,500,000,000,000.00 3,750,000,000,000.00 4,000,000,000,000.00 4,250,000,000,000.00 4,500,000,000,000.00 4,750,000,000,000.00 3,371,587,851,969.24 3,756,451,366,048.00 4,156,709,420,689.93 4,572,977,797,517.52 5,005,896,909,418.22 5,456,132,785,794.95 5,924,378,097,226.75 6,411,353,221,115.82 6,917,807,349,960.45 $ 7 trillion after 18 years Carbon tax social security sovereign wealth fund becomes source of not only industrial policy but also economic stability fund, Growth on our fund in years 10 though 18 below; As such it should be governed by the political appointees of the social security governing board but also by the federal reserve board. Joint governor ship is the key to the use of the fund for economic stabilization of the business cycle. At the 18 to 20 year mark it should be the policy of the fund to build molten salt reactors that can burn PWR/heavy water/DOD waste. 27 reactors as of this date are built or under construction 120,061,071,229.59 134,863,514,078.77 150,258,054,641.92 166,268,376,827.60 182,919,111,900.70 200,235,876,376.73 218,245,311,431.80 236,975,123,889.07 256,454,128,844.63** Two molten salt reactors per year plus two heavy water reactors over the next 9 years is 36 reactors is a $540 Billion investment **18 years after enactment the growth rate of the fund exceeds the carbon tax it self! ** $256 Billion in annual growth plus that years $250 Billion carbon tax could allow an acceleration of industrial policy*** A $60 Billion per year program! 63 reactors total over 18 years, many will still be under construction. 82 years after enactment of the carbon tax we should have 150 to 180 heavy water and molten salt reactors; a $2.7 Trillion investment SBSP or space based solar power if it proves feasible could be a $5 Trillion investment opportunity that industrializes the inner solar system SBSP could be that seminal project that would employ everyone who would want a job *** Social security sovereign wealth fund NASA space act agreement NASA funds SBSP/ISRU/Fuel depot research. The Fund buys ULA full production for launch vehicles for 10 years with fund ownership of the vehicles in storage.

7 Federal research can prime the pump for sovereign wealth fund expansion of industry into the solar system Carbon tax social security sovereign wealth fund NASA space act agreement NASA agrees to engage in mission design of human and science mission directorates to maximize the purchase of sovereign wealth fund NASA space act agreements services, This may be a combination of return to shareholders and fund investments in new space. NASA Agrees that the social security sovereign wealth fund is entitled to a return on investment. The sovereign wealth fund is a purchaser of and a consumer of NASA space act agreement products. The sovereign wealth fund is also a major share holder of NASA contractors and as such is entitled to a obligation duo to share holders,

8 Fuel depots, solar electric ion powered tug, small fission reactor and a pilot commercial molten salt reactor are needed The Congress and NASA agree to fund R & D for Fuel Depot development and deployment at LEO and L1 and L2.This would require a commitment of $ 500 Million per year for 5 to 10 years under a COTS commercial agreement where private company's field the first fuel depots and fill them. Private company's would match at least 40% the $500 million per year NASA commitment. The sovereign wealth fund would purchase fuel depot products for SBSP and required cis-lunar infrastructure to build it and support it. The Congress and NASA agree to fund under space act agreements a commercial solar electric ion powered tug. $ 400 Million per year for 5 years to field a flight vehicle. The Congress and DOE agree to field a pilot commercial molten salt reactor in less then ten years; the sovereign wealth fund agrees to deploy these reactors nation wide. DOE and NRC agree to establish a Licensee procedure for Canadian heavy water reactors and to use spent PWR fuel in the DUPIC process


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