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Third Year Clerkship Evaluations Office of Professionalism, Evaluation & Learning Maria Esquivel, Executive Secretary

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Presentation on theme: "Third Year Clerkship Evaluations Office of Professionalism, Evaluation & Learning Maria Esquivel, Executive Secretary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Year Clerkship Evaluations Office of Professionalism, Evaluation & Learning Maria Esquivel, Executive Secretary

2 Are My Results Confidential? Results are confidential. No names are included on the reports. Faculty and Resident reports are only sent out twice a year to protect student confidentiality. They are compiled, aggregated, de-identified and sent to Clerkship Directors, Clerkship Chairs, Residency Program Directors and Section/Division Chiefs.

3 Who/What Will You Be Evaluating? The clerkship/rotation you just completed. (End of Clerkship evaluation) The attendings you worked with on your rotation. (Faculty evaluation) The residents you worked with on your rotation. (Resident Evaluation)

4 How Do I Complete My Evaluations? End of Clerkship evaluations: completed and submitted on E-Survey Resident and Attending evaluations: completed and submitted on TOOLS.

5 How Do I Access the TOOLS System? When your evaluations have been assigned to you, I will send you an email with instructions and this link: ogin/login/redirect/somevaluation-home/ ogin/login/redirect/somevaluation-home/ You will log in with the same credentials as the Campus Information System.

6 Under Evaluations Assigned To Me There will be a list of all the evaluations that have been assigned to you. If you had worked with a resident or attending who is not listed, please contact me to get them added to your list. If there is a resident or attending that is listed who you DID NOT work with. Please email me and they will be removed from your list.

7 Click on My Evaluations

8 See Evaluations Assigned To Me

9 When Do My Evaluations Need To Be Completed? You will have one week to complete your evaluations from the last day of your rotation. If you have extenuating circumstances please email me ASAP.

10 Questions??

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