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System an assemblage of parts that interact in a series of relationships to form a complex whole, which serves particular functions of purposes. Systems.

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3 System an assemblage of parts that interact in a series of relationships to form a complex whole, which serves particular functions of purposes. Systems Thinking understanding the world, including the built environment, as a series of relationships in which all parts influence many other parts. Open System In an open system, necessary resources are renewed and exchanged on a regular basis. Closed System A closed system maintains itself on a limited amount of resources that are entrenched in that particular system.

4 Building Envelope the exterior surface of a building - the walls, windows, roof, and floor; also referred to as the building shell. Insulation Formaldehyde-free fiber glass building insulation Spray Foam Polyiso foam board Mineral wool products For commercial and residential projects, efficient building insulation can offer outstanding thermal and acoustical performance, which can help maximize LEED® credits and save money on heating and cooling bills.

5 Efficient Windows


7 feedback loop information flows within a system that allow the system to self-organize. This type of feedback loop is called a negative feedback loop because embedded in the system's response to a change is a Signal for the system to stop changing when that response is no longer needed. Negative feedback loops enable a system to self correct and stay within a particular range of function or performance. Thus, they keep systems stable.

8 feedback loop information flows within a system that allow the system to self-organize. Positive feedback loops, on the other hand, are self-reinforcing: the stimulus causes an effect, and the effect produces even more of that same effect. Population growth is a positive feedback loop. The more babies who are born, the more people there will be in the population to have more babies. Therefore, the population can be expected to rise until acted upon by another force, such as an epidemic or shortage of resources.

9 Heat Island Effect the absorption of heat by hardscapes, such as dark, nonreflective pavement and buildings, and its radiation to surrounding areas. Particularly in urban areas, other sources may include vehicle exhaust, air-conditioners, and street equipment; reduced airflow from tall buildings and narrow streets exacerbates the effect.

10 leverage point a point in a system where a small intervention can yield large changes By valuing not only financial capital but also natural capital and human capital, existing systems and structures can lead to sustainability.

11 leverage point a point in a system where a small intervention can yield large changes By valuing not only financial capital but also natural capital and human capital, existing systems and structures can lead to sustainability.


13 Integrated Process an approach to design and operations that brings team members together to work collaboratively on all of the project's systems to find synergistic solutions that support ever greater levels of sustainability. Water Decisions and Designs Hydrologists, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, and landscape designers Potable water use, irrigation needs, wastewater disposal, and stormwater management Conventional Design – design decisions are made independently in isolation Integrated Design – design decisions are made as a team in collaboration

14 Green buildings Save energy Use less water Generate less waste Provide more healthful, more comfortable indoor environments

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