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Dana e. hirn, ronald p. fisher, & rolando n. carol

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1 Use of a Hybrid Interview Method to Retrieve Memories Created During Decision Making
Dana e. hirn, ronald p. fisher, & rolando n. carol Florida international university

2 Goals of the Current Research
Create a novel interview method to elicit the maximum amount of information for memories of decisions Examine the effectiveness of this interview method in a variety of ways in a controlled setting

3 Critical Decision Method
Gather information from decision makers about their cognitive processes when they assess situations, decide on a course of action, and follow through on their decisions (Crandall, Klein, & Hoffman, 2006).

4 Cognitive Interview An interviewing technique that uses concepts of social dynamics, memory, cognition, and communication to assist interviewers in eliciting the maximum amount of accurate, detailed information from witnesses of an event (Fisher & Geiselman, 1992).

5 CDM-CI Hybrid Interview
Rapport building and introduction of guidelines Video example of a free narrative First incident recall Second incident recall Video example of incident retelling Incident retelling Cognitive Interview Critical Decision Method Both Neither

6 CDM-CI Hybrid Interview
Diagram construction Cognitive Interview Critical Decision Method Both Neither

7 Sample Diagram

8 CDM-CI Hybrid Interview
Diagram construction Decision point identification and timeline construction

9 Timeline Construction

10 CDM-CI Hybrid Interview
Diagram construction Decision point identification and timeline construction Progressive deepening

11 Progressive Deepening

12 CDM-CI Hybrid Interview
Diagram construction Decision point identification and timeline construction Progressive deepening Follow-up probes Closing

13 Study 1 Method Phase I: Ethical scenario Phase II: Decision
Phase III: Immediate interview (CDM-CI Hybrid or Free Narrative)

14 Study 1 Results Analyses indicate significantly more information elicited from the hybrid (M=8.88, SD=1.93) compared to the free narrative (M=3.00, SD=1.51), t(30)=-9.61, p<.001. Information Elicited

15 Study 2 Method Phase I: Ethical scenario Phase II: Decision
Phase III: Delayed interview – two days (CDM-CI Hybrid or Free Narrative)

16 Study 2 Method Phase I: Ethical scenario Phase II: Decision
Phase III: Delayed interview – two days (CDM-CI Hybrid or Free Narrative)

17 Study 2 Results Analyses indicate significantly more information elicited from the hybrid (M=8.81, SD=1.91) compared to the free narrative (M=2.44, SD=1.15), t(30)=-9.84, p<.001. Information Elicited

18 Limitations Difficult to verify information for memories of decisions elicited in interviews 80% of information about decisions provided by participants across studies and conditions was matched with verbal information in the discussion Not yet directly compared with the CDM or CI Comparison of CDM-CI Hybid to the CDM and CI Are participants simply recalling their conversations rather than their memories of decisions? Single-participant, silent decision making activities

19 Questions This project was supported in part by a grant from the
Federal Bureau of Investigation

20 New information elicited by each step of the IPD:
Overall Results New information elicited by each step of the IPD: Interview Step First Incident Recall 4.97 Second Incident Recall 1.39 Interviewer Retelling .21 Diagram Construction 1.81 Timeline Construction .96 Progressive Deepening 2.54 Follow-Up Probes .13

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