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J OURNEY THROUGH THE E LEMENTARY F LIPPED C LASSROOM Presented by: Kristi Kellum, Gwynn Loftin, & Linda Hoff Highland Park ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "J OURNEY THROUGH THE E LEMENTARY F LIPPED C LASSROOM Presented by: Kristi Kellum, Gwynn Loftin, & Linda Hoff Highland Park ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 J OURNEY THROUGH THE E LEMENTARY F LIPPED C LASSROOM Presented by: Kristi Kellum, Gwynn Loftin, & Linda Hoff Highland Park ISD



4 W HAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE F LIPPED C LASSROOM & WHY DID WE DECIDE TO TRY IT ? Addresses the needs of all students Redirects attention away from the teacher and puts in on the learner Speaks the language of todays digital natives Prepares students for the 21 st century Honors students time

5 W HO IS IT GOOD FOR ? Struggling learners On grade level students High achieving students TAG students Students who have checked out Students who love to learn

6 W HAT ARE THE B ENEFITS ? Students can pause and rewind their teacher. Struggling students have more time with the teacher. Students who get it are able to move on and extend their learning. Students are learning and applying technology skills. Students are more engaged in their work. Students are working collaboratively with each other. Teachers can spend more time with individual groups of students. Teachers can differentiate their instruction. Teachers are able to reach students in their digital language. Teachers work more collaboratively. Teachers are excited about teaching again! For Students…For Teachers…

7 A science unit on planets A poetry unit Social Studies unit on communities Spelling Math units & various teach pieces A parent meeting What have we flipped?

8 O UR F LIPPED U NITS Planets Planet Moodle Enrollment key - guest End product – Postcard Power Point Communities Community Moodle End product – Community foldable on Dallas

9 Dallas Foldable Go Back

10 O UR F LIPPED U NITS Math Patterns & Tables Check Sheet

11 A RE YOU READY TO TRY IT ? Once you have decided to flip, make sure you… Set up a website, Moodle, Wiki, etc. to house your videos, blogs, and assignments Know what your product or in class assignments will be Create or find videos. Decide if a video is an appropriate venue of delivery. Know how to screencast and embed videos

12 C REATE OR F IND V IDEOS YouTube Discovery Education Brain Pop Khan Academy – also available on YouTube & an app Khan Academy Learn Zillion EduCreations – website and app EduCreations Show Me – website & app Show Me Voice Thread – website & app Voice Thread Places to Find Videos Apps & Sites to Create Videos **Be sure that video is the appropriate venue of delivery. Go Back

13 S CREEN C ASTING & E MBEDDING Screen cast your video, upload it to YouTube, link the video or embed it to give students access W HAT CAN YOU SCREEN CAST ? Power Points Flipcharts Word Documents Anything! **Click here to download instructions on screen Go Back Continue

14 A RE YOU READY TO TRY IT ? Once everything is set up, make sure you… Have a Parent Letter to explain what a Flipped Classroom is and what will be expected of students Have a check sheet for students flipped assignments Get feedback from parents Google forms Get feedback from students Have fun learning & growing with your students! Continue

15 P ARENT L ETTER Before beginning your first flipped unit or lessons, send home an informational letter to your parents. Include… An explanation of the flipped classroom model A description of the lesson or unit Specific expectations of students Specific expectations of parents A link to where parents can find more information Click the image below to see a sample parent letter. Go Back


17 W HAT DO THE K IDS T HINK ? It was so much fun! My child wants to do her homework as soon as she gets home from school…even on a Friday. I wish we could do this for every project. Im so happy to know what is going on in my childs classroom.

18 R ESOURCES Flip your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day by: Jonathan Bermann & Aaron Sams Flipped classroom infographic The Daily Riff class-manifest-823.php

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