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FIFE FALLS AND BONE HEALTH TRAINING INTRODUCTION Aims and objectives 9.45 – 10.00 Session 1 10.00- 10.15 Presentation 10.15 – 10.30 Introduction to Group.

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1 FIFE FALLS AND BONE HEALTH TRAINING INTRODUCTION Aims and objectives 9.45 – 10.00 Session 1 10.00- 10.15 Presentation 10.15 – 10.30 Introduction to Group Work 10.45 – 11.45 Session 2 Group work 11.45 - 12.15 Feed back /Discussion 12.15 - 12.30 Complete evaluation CLOSE

2 FIFE FALLS AND BONE HEALTH TRAINING PILOT 1 November 2010 – Lynebank Hospital 15 November 2010 – Stratheden Hospital 1 December 2010 – Cameron Hospital

3 LEARNING OUTCOMES Advise and inform the older person and carers about fall and fragility fracture prevention to support self management. Identify, record and report risks. Identify the psychological consequences of falls and fragility fracture for older people and their family/carers. Knowledge to advise and inform work colleagues as Falls and Bone Health Champions. Understand and implement the range of solutions available to help reduce risks, including steps to be taken to enable self management.

4 OBJECTIVES OF THE TOOL KIT Heighten awareness and knowledge of staff, patients and carers the prevention and causes of accidents Identify/develop multifactorial intervention to address key areas of risk Identify/develop monitoring tools to identify areas of risk and address areas for improvement at regular interval Identify organisational arrangements to ensure that best practices embedded as a long term solution e.g. audit and review

5 OBJECTIVES OF THE TOOL KIT Target action to reduce the likelihood of incidents of slips, trips and falls to patient Advice and encourage people, particularly patients and carers to adapt their lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of accidents e.g. provide information pack on discharge Consider the dignity and independence of patients in the falls management process

6 TARGETED RISK REDUCTION Review medication associated with risk of falls Detecting and treating causes of delirium Detecting and treating cardiovascular illness Detecting and treating or managing incontinence or urgency Detecting and treating eyesight problems and having the right glasses Provide/advise on safer footwear and manage foot problems Physiotherapy, exercise and appropriate walking aids OT (fear of falls)

7 TARGETED RISK REDUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL INTERVENTION Improvements to floor cleaning, spillages, lighting and call bells Increasing the range of beds and chairs to suit different needs Using bedrails if the benefit outweighed the risks Use of TELECARE technology

8 FALLS AND BONE HEALTH TRAINING Stage 1 Supporting health improvement and self management, health education to minimise the risk of falls Stage 2 Identifying individuals at high risk of falls and/or fragility fractures Stage 3 Responding to an individual who has just fallen and requires immediate assistance Stage 4 Co-ordinated management including specialist assessment. NHS QIS Up and About

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