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Reasons for Developing Rhetorical Skills. Aristotle  To prevent the triumph of fraud and injustice  To provide a more general means of instruction than.

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1 Reasons for Developing Rhetorical Skills

2 Aristotle  To prevent the triumph of fraud and injustice  To provide a more general means of instruction than any of the sciences  To make us see both sides of a case  To provide humans a way of defending themselves of their position reasonably

3 Other Reasons for Rhetoric  To discover the meaning of our experiences (Kingston)  To learn to think with accuracy and order (Hugh Blair)  To clarify our own thinking (J.V. Allen)  To provide calisthenics for the mind (Stephen Covey)  To teach oneself, to understand oneself (Alfred Kazin)  To find out what I think (E.M. Forster)  To generate more writing (E.L. Doctorow)  To express a creative self.

4 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success  A study of thousand of college graduates who had been on the job 5 years or longer by the Placement Center Foundation asked, “What was your most useful college course?’ 45%---Business Admin 32%---English 31%---Psychology

5 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success  A survey of executives from America’s 1000 largest corporations were surveyed about which job skills were most often lacking in new job candidates. Interpersonal skills---37 % Writing---24% Verbal Communication---13% Problem Solving---6%

6 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success  Dr Rodney Brady, President of Bonneville International and former President of Weber State, identified four barriers to success: Communication skills Human Relation skills Judgmental skills Ethical Soundness

7 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success  A survey of 13,585 college graduate employees of General Electric asked, “What areas of college study have contributed most to your present position?” Engineering graduates 1 st –Math; 2 nd-- English Nonengineering graduates1st—English

8 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success  A survey of about 200 corporations and 125 school administrators revealed that 3/4ths of business were spending money on remedial training for their employees who lacked reading, writing, and math skills.  In 2004, I approximately 26 billion dollars was being spent by corporations to give employees correct skills.

9 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success “Strong writing skills are crucial for business majors looking to enter the corporate world. The ability to communicate topped the list of recruiting companies' desired traits this year among college candidates, according to the National Association of Colleges & Employers' 2006 Job Outlook” (Gordon, “Memo to Students: Writing Skills Matter.” Business Week 26 Apr. 2006)

10 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success “WorkSource spoke to a group of employers from various industries about hiring practices and skill levels of new employees. When asked about the greatest challenge facing recruiters, the group was unanimous in naming communication skills as a deficit in the workforce -- at all levels. The recruiters we spoke to listed diction, grammar and critical thinking as the most important elements of good communication.” (Moody. “Communication Skills.... Times Union 23 Jan. 2005)

11 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success  In a recent survey [by Katz Business School] of recruiters from companies with more than 50,000 employees, communication skills were cited as well as the ability to work with others as the main factor in job success. (Career Links) Elaine Stolick, of the Competency-Based Coaching program at Katz says, ‘Recruiters tell us the primary thing they're looking for in M.B.A. graduates is effective communication skills’”

12 Reasons for Rhetoric—Career Success  “So, what are these critical employability skills that employers demand of job-seekers? “  “Communications Skills (listening, verbal, written). By far, the one skill mentioned most often by employers is the ability to listen, write, and speak effectively. Successful communication is critical in business” (

13 The Bottom Line Writing Well = Power!

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