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TGaf San Francisco Closing Report

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1 TGaf San Francisco Closing Report
April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 July 2011 TGaf San Francisco Closing Report Date: Authors: Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

2 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 May 2011 Abstract This presentation is the closing report for the eleventh face-to-face meeting of IEEE TGaf taking place the week of July 18, 2011 at the IEEE 802 Plenary in San Francisco. Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

3 Agenda Approve meeting and teleconference minutes
May 2011 Agenda Approve meeting and teleconference minutes Approve the LB171 comment spreadsheet in 11-11/277r14 Approve draft P802.11af D1.02 as the working draft Approve agreed to comment resolution submissions Review of the progress since May Comment resolution PHY planning Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

4 TGaf Accomplishments Resolved 151 comments
May 2011 TGaf Accomplishments Resolved 151 comments 626 of 1302 comments have Approved resolutions Met with TGac PHY experts to discuss how TGaf can proceed prior to approval of the TGac draft Revised the P802.11af timeline Planned for September ad hoc in Korea, and weekly teleconferences Tuesdays at 21:00 ET Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

5 Plans for September Ad hoc September 14 - 16 in the Korea
May 2011 Plans for September Ad hoc September in the Korea Sponsored by LG Electronics [Thank you!] Complete comment resolution Prepare draft 2.0 and ask the WG to begin our second Letter Ballot Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

6 May 2011 TGaf ad hoc Motion Authorize TGaf to hold an ad-hoc meeting on September 14-16, 2011 in Seoul, ROK with the preferred venue being LG Electronics for the purpose of advancing the TGaf draft prior to the September IEEE 802 Wireless Interim in Okinawa, Japan. Moved: Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Second Result: x/x/x Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

7 TGaf Timeline – Updated March 2011
January 2010 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2011 TGaf Timeline – Updated March 2011 New Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: January 2011 Second Working Group Letter Ballot: September 2011 Recirculation Letter Ballot: November 2011 Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: February 2012 Initial Sponsor Ballot: March 2012 Recirculate Sponsor Ballot: May 2012 Final WG/EC Approval: July 2012 RevCom/Standards Board Approval: September 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Michael Montemurro, RIM

8 TGaf Timeline – Updated July 2011
January 2010 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 TGaf Timeline – Updated July 2011 New Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: January 2011 Second Working Group Letter Ballot: January 2012 Recirculation Letter Ballot: May 2012 Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: June 2012 Initial Sponsor Ballot: September 2012 Recirculate Sponsor Ballot: November 2012 Final WG/EC Approval: March 2013 RevCom/Standards Board Approval: March 2013 Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Michael Montemurro, RIM

9 Teleconferences Weekly on Tuesdays: Time: 21:00 ET for 120 minutes
May 2011 Teleconferences Weekly on Tuesdays: Time: 21:00 ET for 120 minutes Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

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