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Unit 3 Reading What should I do.

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1 Unit 3 Reading What should I do

2 Pre-reading As a teenager, do you often meet
with some personal problems? 2. What are they?

3 1.If we have problems ,what do we usually do ?
2. If we don’t want others know who we are , what should we do then ? ( ask teachers , parents , classmates or friends for help ) (write to newspapers , magazines or ask youth workers for help / advice )

4 Listen to Millie’s letter and tell me:
What problem does Millie have? She has a lot of homework every day and often stays up late to complete it.

5 Read and answer the questions
1. Why does Millie accept to do so much work although she does not want to? She understands that it is important to do her homework and hand it on time. 2. Does Millie have any hobbies? What are they? Yes. Playing volleyball and ping-pong. 3.What is Millie looking forward to? She is looking forward to a holiday without homework.

6 Fill in the right words. Millie Aim(目的) have a________and know how to
______ _____ it. Hobbies playing _______ and __________ Homework It is________ to do homework and ____ in homework on time. Problem _____ have any spare time for her _____ and doubt______ it is ______ ______ hard Feeling _______ _____ problem deal with volleyball ping-pong important hand hardly hobbies worth whether working tired bad

7 Simon

8 Read the text and find the answers to these questions about Simon.
What is Simon’s favorite hobby? What does Simon think of playing football? What’s his parents idea? Football is his favourite hobby. It can help us relax and make our lives colourful. They don’t like this and ask him to come home before 6 p.m .

9 Read the reading carefully and complete the following.
Simon would like some a _______on his love of football. He is so c _______about football that he s _______out late to play it. His parents are very s _______with him and they want him to come home earlier. Simon feels s_______and angry from time to time. He wishes he could have his parents’ support. dvice razy tays trict tressed

10 1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students.
Tell if the following sentences are true or false. If it is false, please correct it. 1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students. 2. They both like football. 3. They spend much time on their homework 4. They both feel stressed about their study. 5. They both think study is more important than sport. T F F F F

11 Retell the two letters A lot of homework Have no choice Stay up late
Refuse,accept Important, hand it in on time Volleyball , ping-pong A holiday Offer some suggestions

12 Retell the two letters Crazy about football Dream, a big problem
After school, stay out late Parents, don’t allow Stressed, angry Spend some time on hobbies Have parents’ support Achieve a balance

13 Discussion: How to solve Millie’s problem.
How to solve Simon’s problem? How to treat homework : How to do hobbies: Plan her day carefully Make a list of all her homework Work out her free time Choose one hobby to do every day or just choose your favorite hobby Play football for an hour or two and then go home.

14 A letter from Sigmund to Millie
Dear Millie: Thank you very much for your letter. I hope I can _____ you some useful suggestions. You said that you do not have enough time to do your homework. Plan your day carefully. It will be a good______ to make a list of all the homework you have to do. Then work out how much time you need to _______ it. This will give you an idea of how much free time you have. You also said that you do not have enough time for your __________. Perhaps you can choose one hobby to do each day, for example, playing _________ today and playing ping-pong the next day. I hope you think that my advice is __________taking. Best wishes Sigmund Friend ( choice complete hobbies offer worth volleyball) offer choice complete hobbies volleyball worth

15 A letter from Sigmund to Simon
Thank you for your letter .I hope I can offer you some useful ______ It seems that you spend a lot of time_________football. Of course, it is very important to have hobbies. However, it is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or__________late I agree with your parents that it is better for you to go home earlier.Do not give up your hobby but do not forget about your family, either. Play football for an hour or two, and then go home.This is a good way to keep a ______ between study and hobbies. Your parents are not _____;they just do not want you to stay out so late I hope my answers will be of some _____ to you Best wishes Sigmund advice playing stay out balance strict value advice balance playing strict value stay out

16 Hello, I’m Sue.I’m a Grade 9 student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. I’m very clever. I love English, Maths and Science.I study hard and I always do well in exams. However,I’m not very good at sport. I cannot run fast and I hate swimming. Also, my classmates call me “Bookworm”. This makes me feel bad .Can you give me some advice?

17 Plan your time carefully.
Pay no attention to people who laugh at you. Share your problems with a friend or family member.

18 Homework Write a letter to your pen friend about your problems.

19 Thank You

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