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Where’s Our Report? Data Management in Client Services Data Warehouse (CSDW) WSS Leadership Summit March 24-26, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Where’s Our Report? Data Management in Client Services Data Warehouse (CSDW) WSS Leadership Summit March 24-26, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where’s Our Report? Data Management in Client Services Data Warehouse (CSDW) WSS Leadership Summit March 24-26, 2014


3 3 CSDW Main Screen

4 4 CSDW Login Page

5 5 My Favorites

6 6 Public Folders

7 7 Expanding Public Folders

8 8 Expanding the DHHS Main Document Folder

9 9 Expanding the NC FAST Folder

10 10 Folders under the NC FAST Tab Include: Case Mgmt – for all programs County – used by counties for FTP purposes FNS – Authorized Rep/ADTC; Case Mgmt; Financial; Interface (State QC); SNAP Security Shared

11 11 Active Cases – Month End for Specified Products This report displays a count of ongoing (Active, Open, and Pending Closure) Product Delivery Cases at month end for a prompted month and prompted product. It includes a Case Listing tab displaying all cases by case number and status. NOTE: New queries will be placed in this folder that may be used across all programs in NC FAST. What’s in the Case Mgmt Folder?

12 12 What’s in the FNS Authorized Rep/ADTC Folder? SLA1 Active FNS Cases with Auth Rep This is a monthly report that displays all active FNS cases with an assigned Authorized Representative.

13 13 What’s in the FNS Case Mgmt Folder? Active Cases With Certification Periods as of Previous Business Day - Lists Primary Clients for cases with a status of Active, Approved, and Pending Closure, including certification dates and worker name. Data is pulled from the previous business day. Active Cases with Certification Periods for Selected Time Period - Lists Primary Clients for cases with a status of Active, Approved, and Pending Closure. Includes certification dates and worker name. Data is pulled from a prompted time period. Active FNS and SNAP Cases - Month End - Displays a count of ongoing (Active, Open, and Pending Closure) FNS and SNAP Product Delivery Cases at month end for a prompted month. Includes a Case Listing tab displaying all cases by case number and status.

14 14 What’s in the FNS Case Mgmt Folder? Application Processing and Caseload Statistics by County - Shows number of applications taken, disposed, and caseload data for a county (including totals and averages) for a prompted time period. Application Processing and Caseload Statistics by Worker - Shows applications taken, disposed, and caseload data by worker (including totals and averages) for a prompted time period. Includes an Application, Caseload, and Recertification detail tabs. Also includes the Caseload Stats by County tab. Application Processing and Caseload Statistics Statewide - Shows number of applications taken, disposed, and caseload data for all 100 counties (including totals and averages) for a prompted time period.

15 15 What’s in the FNS Case Mgmt Folder? Average Days to Process an Application - Lists a summary of apps for a prompted time period by county. Includes app counts, average number of days to process, and total days to process apps. Also includes a Details tab showing in depth information on all applications included in report. EBT Activity for Select County and Time Period - Displays EBT activity for select county and time period. FNS and Medicaid Cases with Review Dates - Lists individuals active in FNS and Medicaid cases, based on CNDS Individual ID, showing review/recert dates. Also includes a tab showing cases where the Individual ID is blank in NCFAST.

16 16 What’s in the FNS Case Mgmt Folder? NC FAST County Security Report - Displays individuals who have access to NC FAST by county, individual name, NCID, and role. NC FAST State Security Report - Displays individuals who have access to NC FAST by individual name, NCID, role, and Org Unit. NC FAST P26 Hard Launch Prep - Displays cases where the casehead is different between EIS and NC FAST. Overdue Recertifications – Lists “overdue” recertifications. Includes a tab showing cases by worker. Overdue Recertifications-Suspended Case Only - Lists cases of overdue recertifications. Includes a tab showing these cases by worker. Restricted to SUSPENDED cases only.

17 17 What’s in the FNS Case Mgmt Folder? Pending Applications and Emergency Cases - Lists pending apps for a county as well as Due Dates and identifies Expedited applications. Recertifications - Lists cases with upcoming recertifications due. Includes a tab showing these cases by worker. Recertifications-Suspended Cases Only - Lists cases with upcoming recertifications due. Includes a tab showing these cases by worker. Restricted to SUSPENDED cases only. SLCC Certifications Program Activity FNS - Monthly report shows the statewide FNS program activities displaying total for each application.

18 18 What’s in the FNS Case Mgmt Folder? SLOW Non-County Security Report FNS - Displays non-county individuals who have access to NC FAST by individual name, role, and group. SLOX County Security Report FNS - Displays county individuals who have access to NC FAST by individual name, role, and group.

19 19 What’s in the FNS Financial Folder? EBT Reports: EB302EP-01 EBAC Benefit Authorizations FNS - Shows the number of FNS cases and total amount of Benefits for each FNS case by county. EBT107EP-01 EBA2 Daily Report of EBT Cards Issued FNS - Daily report of new or replaced EBT cards. Displays persons and county and state totals. EBT301EP-01 EBAB Benefit Authorizations FNS - Daily report showing the number of FNS cases and total amount of Benefits for each FNS case by county.

20 20 What’s in the FNS Financial Folder? EBT825-01 EBAT Issuance Report FNS - EBT825-01-AT. YTD issuance report displaying number of categorically and non- categorically eligible households and persons. Shows total amount of benefits issued for each county. EBT827-01 EBAU SFY EBT Benefits to be Issued FNS - EBT827- 01-AU. Monthly report showing the benefits authorized in FNS each month for the current fiscal year. SLMR810-07 EBFA Issuance Reconciliation FNS 46 - SLMR810- 07-FA. Monthly Federal Report consisting of one page per county with county name, address and reconciliation point. SLMR810-08 EBFB Transaction Rept for FNS 46 Monthly - SLMR810-08-FB. Monthly report displaying Debit and Credit FNS transactions processed by the EBT vendor.

21 21 What’s in the FNS Financial Folder? SLMR810-09 EBFC Issuance Report FNS - SLMR810-09-FC. Monthly issuance report displaying number of categorically and non- categorically eligible households and persons. Shows total amount of benefits issued for each county. SLMR840-02 EBFD Participation and Issuance Information FNS 388A - SLMR840-02-FD. Semi-Annual Report with the same categorically and non-categorically eligible households and persons as the EBT825-01 EBAT Issuance Report FNS report. Also includes the Project Area Code.

22 22 What’s in the FNS Interface Folder? QC Reports: These reports are still being modified. Used by State QC Staff. SL06 Act QC Sample Benefit Iss FNS SL08 Neg QC Sample Ben Iss FNS SL70 Active QC Sample FNS SL7A Negative QC Sample FNS SLGO Negative QC Universe FNS SLIL Positive QC Universe FNS

23 23 What’s in the FNS SNAP Folder? SNAP Reports: SL1B SL1D SNAP Apps Mailing List FNS - Generates the SNAP Application Form DSS-6240 and mails to applicants who are currently not receiving FNS benefits and are identified as meeting SNAP criteria. SL1C SNAP Statewide Applications FNS - Daily report displays individuals who were mailed SNAP application forms that have not been disposed. SLA1 Active FNS Cases with Auth Rep – SNAP - Monthly Report displays all active FNS SNAP cases with an assigned Authorized Representative.

24 24 What’s in the Security Folder? New Security Reports: NC FAST County Security Report - Report displays individuals who have access to NC FAST by county, individual name, NCID, and role. NC FAST State Security Report - Report displays individuals who have access to NC FAST by individual name, NCID, role, and Org Unit.

25 25 Live Demo The following queries ran in production: Active Cases - Month End for Specified Products Active Cases with Certification Periods for Selected Time Period Recertifications Confidential data was removed from these versions for demonstration purposes only. Individuals with access to run these queries will be able to see data in all columns.

26 26 Changes Coming to CSDW New folder structure Additional queries created for multiple programs

27 27 Example of New Folder Structure

28 28 Questions?

29 29 CSDW Contacts & Resources Robin Register, DHHS/DSS, 919-527-6268, Heather Bohanan, DHHS/DSS, 919-527-6864, CSDW Team, 919-855-3200, option 2, DSS Data Management Team: 919-527-6260 UNC School of Social Work Website

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