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What is Friendship?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Friendship?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Friendship?

2 What is friendship Friendship is full of magic.
When you are happy, you can share everything with your friends. When you are sad or feeling down, your friends will comfort you and be there for you. Friends are the people who we trust the most.

3 We can learn from each other, encourage each other and share our secrets.

4 A story about Friendship
I have a really good friend. We do everything together, and listen to each other’s secrets. But, one day we had an argument. After that, we hardly spoke to each other. I didn’t like this kind of situation. She is my best friend. Therefore, I decided to say sorry first.

5 I didn’t know she also said sorry to me after I apologized to her
I didn’t know she also said sorry to me after I apologized to her. Finally, we are back like before. After this, I realized that friends are important to me. I know I can do many things for friends. Just like apologizing to friends first.

6 If you don’t know how to say “Sorry”,
Advertisement Apology cake If you don’t know how to say “Sorry”, Just buy one!

7 The Importance of Friendship
Friendship is like a candle to light our lives. a heater to warm our souls. Friendship is important to us.

8 Thanks you, my dear friends.

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