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2 Bone One This bone is found on the thumb-side of your forearm and is one of the bones that helps to make up the elbow. RADIUS

3 Bone Number two This bone is found on the inside of your lower leg and it helps to make up both the ankle and knee. TIBIA

4 Bone number three This bone is found on the pinky-side of the forearm and helps make up both the wrist and elbow. ULNA

5 Bone Number Four This bone is commonly known as the collar bone and it helps make up the shoulder joint. CLAVICLE

6 Bone Number Five This bone is the longest and strongest bone in the body. It helps to make up the hip at one end and the knee at the other. FEMUR

7 Bone Number Six This bone is found in the upper arm and helps to make up both the shoulder and the elbow. HUMERUS

8 Bone Number Seven This bone is commonly referred to as the shoulder blade. It helps to make up the shoulder. SCAPULA

9 Bone Number Eight This bone is found on the outer part of the lower leg and helps to make up the ankle and the knee. FIBULA

10 Bone Number Nine This bone is commonly called the knee-cap. PATELLA

11 Bone Number Ten This bone is commonly called the hip girdle. PELVIS

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