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Alexander the Great.

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1 Alexander the Great

2 Philip II of Macedonia Philip comes to power in 359 BC, building a powerful army Desires to unite all Greece Conquers Greece in 338 BC Assassinated two years later

3 Alexander Becomes king at age 20 in 336 BC
Student of Aristotle Angry over Persians burning Athens in 480 BC One Mission: Conquer Asia and destroy Persia

4 Path of Empire Issus, 334 BC: Alexander kills 20,000 Persians in one battle, controls Asia Minor Tyre, 333 BC: An island that thought it was invincible… …Until Alexander built a ½ mile long bridge to destroy the city! Conquers Egypt in 332 BC

5 Darius III and the Persians
Battle of Gaugamela, 331 BC Alexander the Great Darius III and the Persians 47,000 total soldiers Alexander lost 500 men Alexander’s greatest victory Alexander conquers Persia and Asia 100,000 total soldiers Persians lost 90,000 Darius III murdered a year later, by his own nobles


7 “To the End of the World and the Great Outer Sea”
Battle of the Hydaspes River in 326 BC was Alexander’s last victory, and the furthest his empire ever extended Alexander’s empire stretches from Macedonia and Greece to Egypt, across Persia to India! Spreads Greek culture throughout the known world: The HELLENIZATION of the world

8 Alexander the Great’s Legacy
Alexander dies at age 32 in 323 BC with no heir Empire immediately divides His friend, Ptolemy, takes command of Egypt at Alexandria Alexander the Great never lost a battle Still the standard by which generals measure themselves One of the most tactically gifted and brilliant commanders in human history



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