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Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports

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1 Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports
Repair of bilateral abdominoscrotal hydrocele with testicular dysmorphism using laparoscopic extracorporeal ligation of the internal inguinal ring and orchiopexy  Yukihiro Tatekawa, MD  Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports  Volume 20, Pages (May 2017) DOI: /j.epsc Copyright © 2017 The Author Terms and Conditions

2 Fig. 1 Bilateral abdominoscrotal hydrocele in an 8-month-old boy (a); computed tomography showing bilateral giant dumbbell-like hydroceles with bilateral fusiform (banana type) shaple-like undescended testes (b–e) (d,e: white arrow: testis). Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports  , 37-39DOI: ( /j.epsc ) Copyright © 2017 The Author Terms and Conditions

3 Fig. 2 Intraoperative laparoscopy view showing bulging of the peritoneum at the medial inguinal fossa on the right side (a: white arrow, medial umbilical fold; black arrow, lateral umbilical fold; circle, medial inguinal fossa) and at the lateral inguinal fossa on the left side (b: white arrow, medial umbilical fold; black arrow, lateral umbilical fold; circle, lateral inguinal fossa); marsupialization of the hydrocele testis was performed via the scrotal approach (c); laparoscopic view showing the opening of the process vaginalis (d, right side) and the hollow at the lateral inguinal fossa (e, left side: black arrow, the closing of the process vaginalis). Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports  , 37-39DOI: ( /j.epsc ) Copyright © 2017 The Author Terms and Conditions

4 Fig. 3 The internal inguinal ring is closed extracorporeally using laparoscopic extracorporeal ligation with an epidural needle and preperitoneal hydrodissection (a-c, right side; d-f, left side). Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports  , 37-39DOI: ( /j.epsc ) Copyright © 2017 The Author Terms and Conditions

5 Fig. 4 Postorchiopexy laparoscopic view showing the ligated peritoneum on both sides appearing tighter (a, e, right side; b, f, left side; c, d, fusiform-shaped testis suggestive of testicular dysmorphism; white arrows). Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports  , 37-39DOI: ( /j.epsc ) Copyright © 2017 The Author Terms and Conditions

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