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For most of us, it is easy to care about ourselves.

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1 For most of us, it is easy to care about ourselves.
For most of us it is hard to care for others. Yet we know that caring for others is the right thing to do! And often it is the most rewarding thing too!! SO HOW DO WE DO IT? We want to give you a challenge! It’s the NO BULL CHALLENGE! You wanna care for others more? We’re goin to ask you to try & do one thing. That thing that hangs out of your mouth – no, not the drool!! Your tongue! If you can control your tongue and what you say about people, you will start to care for people more! So, our challenge for you this week is to try and always say positive things to each other. We as Max leaders will try and always be caring for you in what we say. We want you to do the same thing to each other. This means a few don’ts – don’t put down others, don’t call each other names (eg “gay” as a putdown). Add any others of your own: And a few do’s – just be polite, encourage other people, say thank you, do things for others. Add any others of your own: DON”T FORGET TO TAKE THE NO BULL CHALLENGE THIS WEEK! PS – did you see the picture in the cows spots on the front cover – look closely!

2 YOU HAVE A CHOICE!! You can choose to either:
NOT GIVE A TOSS ABOUT UDDERS (pronounced OTHERS) We can real easy go through life not caring too much about other people, but really caring for ourselves. What percentage of your time do you reckon you spend caring for yourself?: % What percentage of your $$$ do you reckon you spend looking after yourself?: Well, we want to show you something. It is something we all have in common – death! And do you know what will matter when we die? It won’t be how much stuff we have bought, what label clothes we wear, who we thought we were better than, what fights we had won, how tough or how pretty we were, whether our mums let us go out to where we wanted to go, getting revenge on people…..none of that will matter! The Bible does warn us though that lots of people will think it will matter! The Bible says this: “People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud, stuck-up, rude, and disobedient to their parents. They will also be ungrateful, godless, heartless, and hateful. Their words will be cruel, and they will have no self-control or pity. These people will hate everything that is good. They will be sneaky, reckless, and puffed up with pride. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure. 2 Tim 3:2-4” And at the end of our lives, only 3 things will matter: 1. Who we cared for 2. Who cared for us 3. What we did for God So if you want, you can spend your life worrying about stuff that doesn’t even matter in the end! Or spend your life on the real stuff - knowing that others do matter – and caring about them!! CARE ABOUT UDDERS (pronounced OTHERS) (AS MUCH AS YOURSELF) Right now, you should have just finished a good feed And you know the funny thing? If I had of just given you a $1 by yourself and told you to go buy yourself something from New World, you probably would of said “Stink! Is that all?” You might of trudged off and bought yourself something small, scoffed it and came back moaning what a waste of time that was! But you know what? By doing stuff for someone else, you get more fun out of it!! And someone doing something for you too means that you probably got a better feed than just trying to spend $1 by yourself! This is a real important thing in life to remember – caring about others is sometimes harder, but always the best choice!! Some of you guys are doing the Famine – I hope you feel real special because you are caring for others! It’s a great thing!! Think of a good time that you have cared for someone and how it made you feel: The Bible is real clear and simple about how we should treat others – have RESPECT for them! In fact the Bible says “We should think about others and not about ourselves.” 1 Cor 10:24 If you can live your life caring for others, I promise you that life will be way better! (maybe harder, but better!) One of the real advantages of caring for someone, is that they usually care for you back! And we could all do with more mates. Go on – care for people – it’s risky but worth it!!

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