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How to answer extended questions? Sut i ateb cwestiynau estynedig?

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Presentation on theme: "How to answer extended questions? Sut i ateb cwestiynau estynedig?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to answer extended questions? Sut i ateb cwestiynau estynedig?
Revision / Adolygu How to answer extended questions? Sut i ateb cwestiynau estynedig?

2 Unfortunately you have to put a bit more forethought into answering questions than this
Yn anffodus bydd rhaid i ti feddwl mwy am yr atebion na hyn

3 Use examples – real places Can be more than one landform or example
Note the key words, note any special requirements Nodwch unrhyw geiriau allweddol, nodwch unrhyw anghenion arbennig Explain – say why Use examples – real places Can be more than one landform or example Eglurwch – dweud pam Defnyddio enghreifftiau – llefydd go iawn Yn gallu bod mwy nag un tirffurf neu enghraifft

4 Use a mind map/spider diagram/fishbone or any other way of structuring an answer before starting to answer – it saves time in the end and makes sure you get more marks Defnyddiwch fap meddwl/diagram pry cop/asgwrn pysgodyn neu unrhyw ffordd arall o strwythuro ateb cyn cychwyn – mae’n safio amser ac yn ennill marciau yn y pen draw Recall information about correct example to use Cofio pa enghraifft i’w ddefnyddio

5 Landform studied = waterfall
Advantages Tourism = jobs, facilities like hotels, roads Power (HEP) attractive for other industries Water supply for homes, factories (cooling) and farms Gets rid of sewage Disadvantages Obstacle to shipping (needs locks to get round) Rivers can also pose problems of flooding and pollution Too many tourists can cause problems of congestion, traffic jams, and inappropriate development Try to provide a balance to an answer if possible, even if one side is more important Ceisiwch roi cyd-bwysedd i ateb os yn bosib, hyd yn oed os ydy un ochr yn bwysicach

6 Use any help given to you – it’s in the mark scheme
Defnyddiwch unrhyw gymorth sydd wedi’i rhoi i chi – mae yn y cynllun marcio Use your own case studies – again it’s in the mark scheme Defnyddiwch eich astudiaethau achos eich hunain – eto mae yn y cynllun marcio

7 Effects of climate change
Have less money to spend on … can spend more money upon … LEDCs MEDCs

8 Try to complete your own diagram and explanation
Ceisiwch gwblhau eich diagram ac esboniad eich hun

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